First day on Meds

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No One's POV

There was a hill in the school field that the straw hat friends hung out at. That's where Luffy was headed. It was a warm morning, beautiful to say the least. The grass waltz in the wind, and the trees waver with the breeze. A calm morning most would say, but for some, it was too calm. And Monkey D. Luffy was part of that population. He looked around but with no desire of extra stimulation. He walks forward, not counting his steps. He lookes at his phone
"5 minutes" he whispers to himself as he walked into the school gate, greeting the teacher as he walked by. He tucked his shirt in, did his shoelaces up and looked at his phone again
"4 minutes" he says. He turns the corner onto the school field and on the far right corner he sees his friends.

Sitting on the hill, was Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Robin Ussop and Franky.
Luffy jog-runs up to them bumping into a few fellow students while passing by.
"Hi guys" says an out of breath Luffy. The rest of the strawhats look up and divert their attention to him.  
"Hii Luffy!" Robin, Sanji, Ussop and Franky say in unison. Zoro, knowing luffy since the age of 5 said naught but stuck out his hand waiting for Luffy to approach. As he did, they did a simple yet unique and cherished handshake. Then, even thought nothing is between them, he went over and gave Nami a hug.
"Hi Nami" he said as he engulfed her in a hug.
"Hi Lu!" she says as she returns the hug. "Are you okay?" she asks. now now. She is no emotional expert, however, Luffy wasn't one to stay still or quiet, especially with his condition so Nami had no choice but to ask if he was feeling well.

Nami's POV 

I pulled away from the hug noticing Luffys change. But how do I describe it.. uh its like hes more organised? More aware, like... EVEN HIS SHOELACE IS TIED! But that's a good thing right? Normal things. Just not for Luffy. I feel rude, but if somethings up with my partner in crime, the canvas to my art piece, i have to ask.
"Luffy! Are you okay? your acting strange." I ask. He flashes me a savoury smile then eagerly gets everyones attention once more. I chuckle at his efforts but they weren't in futility as our friend group eventually focused on him. We quiet down and look at the boy,

"Guys!" he says "Im on medication!" after he announces this, i immediately become weary. I knew my bestie had ADHD however I never knew he was getting medicated. I mean... good for him but i'll kinda miss his hyperactive persona. Im worried for Luffy. My best friend, the one thats been by my side since the raw age of 11. I'm scared. I've heard about ADHD meds before and heard nothing good on the side affects part. I spare a glance over at Robin and she shares the same worried look, worried about his future. I look up at Zoro and see his expression is a mix of confusion and sort of 'why???'. We lock eyes and shake our heads and shrug simultaneously. The group has fell silent and I pan my vision to Luffy. His smile has faded off his face, his shoulders were downcast, and he started to shift his weight from one leg to another.

"Is something wrong guys?" he asks in an upset tone. I feel a pang in my chest, my heart aches for Luffy. Nothing was particularly wrong with taking meds. Especially since hes disabled but theres just something about the word 'Medicated' that feels like your enslaved and have lost your free will.

The bell rings and we start picking up our stuff to go to lesson. No-one answers his previous question. Me and him silently walk side by side since we have Geography together.

fuck. I feel so bad for Luffy

Luffy's POV

I  don't want to overthink things. I really don't. I'm supposed to be normal now. I'm supposed to act like Robin or Zoro. My hands shouldn't be this sweaty and neither should I be having Second thoughts on asking Nami what I did wrong. She's my best friend! I should tell her. That's what normal people do. They look their friend in their eye and tell them what's bothering them. I huff in defeat. I gotta calm down.
"Luffy?" I hear my name being called
"Yes Nami?" i ask
"What made you take the meds?" she says.
"To act normal like you guys!" I say with a toothy grin. They will be so proud of me when I pass my tests coming up. I mentally clap for myself. I'm proud of me! I look at Nami's face and drop my smile. she looks upset but that's until i go in front of her and she looks at me.

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