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Luffy's POV

Stupid teachers. Stupid dad. Stupid psychiatrist. Whatever, I sigh, whatever. This stupid meeting. I don't need extra help or any stupid medication. Im fine! But no one believes me. ugh whatever, I didn't care anyway. I cant wait for this dumb meeting to start and get over with, I didn't wanna see their stupid faces anyway.
I'm tired. bru. I wanna go bed. This meeting room is so small and this chair is so uncomfy, i start rocking on the chair for some, any sort of feeling of stimulation GOOSH I'm bored, that's until my dad calls my name and snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Luffy!" he shouts " I've been calling you for the past 30 seconds! Can you please try to focus?! Your Psychiatrist is here, the meeting has started." I look at him then look across from me to see that my psychiatrist across the table sitting down. I rub the back of my neck and laugh off the embarrassment.

"I didn't know you were there mister! shishishi. lets get started?" I awkwardly say trying to take the attention off of me.
Psychiatrist: "Well Mr Dragon, since your son has come of age, and since we have been monitering, we would like to introduce him to the Xelstrym  medication which we think is the best for him because it increases focus and keeps him more concerntrated, it is the newest medication to come out so we have high hopes for it" says the psychiatrist. Too much words. I'm hungry, hmmmmm meaaaaattttttt............
Dragon: "I think thats good. I will allow it. How much does it cost and what are the side affects?"

I wonder what my friends are doing. why did the meeting have to be so early? like... why before school.
Psychiatrist: "Well, Nervousness, trouble sleeping, loss of appetite, weight loss, dizziness, high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, or headache may occur. The first bottle will be free, then its 50 a month" As he said this, it immediately grabbed my attention, no way you will catch me doing this to myself just to focus on schoolwork. And loss of appitite??? how am i supposed to enjoy my food?!
"I OBJECT!" i say! "IM NOT TAKING IT! I DO NOT CONSENT!" big words an dat. But as I was objecting, my dad glared at me.
"This is not your desicion to make Luffy. I am choosing what I think is best for you. You don't have a say, especially with the way you've been acting young man." He says. I mentally roll my eyes because my dad must be deaf! Did he not hear the side affects?! he's crazy! He wants me dead! I'm rightfully convinced!

Psychiatrist: "I have the bottle here um and Mr Dragon will need to sign some papers then we will allow Mr Luffy to take his dose today." he pulled some papers and my dad started signing them. Im hungry. I want Chicken. ooh or i can go KFC after school mmmmmm, my mouth waters at the thought. Or a McCrispy! maybe with a McFlurry and-
"LUFFY!" my dad shouts. was he calling me? I didnt hear

"Yes dad?" I reply,
"Luffy its time to take the meds. 1 a day. go on." He pushes a tissue with a pill on it and a cup of water towards me. I pull the tissue and stare at the pill or tablet thingy. It looks nasty. but if my dad says to take it, mightahswaell...
I first put some water in my mouth, then the pill, and then more water and swallow it all in one gulp.
psychiatrist: " The affects should start taking place in around 30 minutes, thank you for your time." He then collected his stuff then left.
"Well, i'll see you next week yeah bud?" says my dad. Oh yeah and to all you viewers, I don't live with my dad so I only see him on a weekly basis.
"Aight bye" and with that he left. It was around 8:23 now and school starts in 7minutes.


Well *hem hem* thats it for the first chapter.
sorry if Luffy didn't really act to cannon but I will try on future Chapters

Please leave comments and reveiws pleeaassee!!!!
anyway update is probs tmrw. But it wont always be a next day update coz im a busy grl.

The rest of the strawhats (except chopper) will come in next chapter, and if you got confused, Monkey D Dragon is Luffys dad.

The net part wont be as long, but there will be abit of Luffy x Nami

750 Words.

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