Chapter 8: The Mountainous Friendships

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"I hate this place," Luffy muttered angrily as he and Naruto trudged over a rickety wooden bridge that crossed over a deep ravine. It had been a little over three months since his grandfather Garp had dumped him and Naruto on the outskirts of the Goa Kingdom to live with mountain bandits of all people.

At first Garp seemed to be respectful to Naruto but upon learning of his orphan status and friendship with luffy, he adopted the boy as his second grandson. So now he was included into the Monkey D Garp's ruthless training regime with luffy.

He hated it, but the only thing he hated more then mountain bandits was being alone. That was why he found himself trudging with luffy after the only other person around his age in these mountains, an older girl by the name of Acia. So far, Acia had scoffed at any attempt at friendship, even attacking Luffy when he tried following after her. But Luffy was determined and stubborn.

Which was why he now found himself trudging with Luffy after Acia through the woods outside of Dadan's bandit camp. He took another step over the bridge where he knew Acia had walked and stopped when he heard it creaking.

The rickety bridge suddenly gave way, and Luffy began to fall into the ravine. With all his might, Naruto began to conjure up flame clouds to save himself and Luffy from falling to the bottom of the deep ravine.

Naruto and Luffy began crawling to the other side. He hadn't yet mastered his new powers, and his flame clouds was the only ability he could use without losing his sanity and going on a rampage.

He fell onto the dirt in a heap; he was breathing heavily while sweating profusely. He had been training with his devil fruit quite a bit but made very little progress. He could turn portions of his body into that of a dragon, but the appendages were strange, hard to control, and exhausting to use. Attempting to turn into a full dragon wasn't much of a better choice either; whenever he fully transformed, he was overcome with either rage or greed. Even when in his normal human form, he found himself being more attracted to treasure, he loved it almost as much as Ramen which was just wrong, but he couldn't help himself; he just loved shiny things. He had stopped turning into a full Dragon after his grandfather had to beat him up to stop him from stealing all the money in Foosha village.

"This damn fruit has turned me into an overgrown magpie," Naruto muttered as he picked himself up and focused on the task at hand. "Now where did Acia go..." muttered Luffy.

Naruto crouched down on all fours and sniffed the ground. His senses had grown far more sensitive since his transformation; his sense of smell, in particular, had significantly increased; he could hunt down anything with his new and improved nose. So he focused on the smells all around him. He could smell rotting vegetation, numerous animals, sweat, blood, and Acia. "Acia smells like treasure..." That was another thing Naruto found himself able to do more and more of lately. He could smell and sense treasure. Anything golden or valuable he could pick up on either with his nose or through some strange new sense he now possessed. Ever since meeting Acia, the girl always smelled like treasure.

Luffy followed Naruto as he tracked the scent through the woods but soon, the smell of Acia was overcome by the smell of rotting garbage and burning trash, and just about everything smelled like some sort of waste until Acia's scent was utterly drowned out. Not knowing what else to do, Luffy followed him until they reached a massive mountain of garbage sitting just outside of a gigantic walled city.

"Wow..." As disgusting as this place smelled, The boys couldn't help but be amazed at its size and majesty. Forgetting about Acia, they quickly set about exploring his new surroundings; They spent hours talking to random people and seeing every inch of this unique place. Luffy learned that this was the Goa Kingdom; he knew about it since it was the main settlement on Dawn island but hearing about it and seeing it were two entirely different things.He discovered that the area they were in was called the grey terminal; The home of the less fortunate of the island. He explored as much as he could until suddenly, his exploration of his new surroundings was stopped by a group of armed men trudging through the trash heap.

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