The happiness in disaster

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Robyn sat on her bed and stared out of her window, hoping to see the familiar light again. She stared at the forest for quite some time until she saw something. It was that familiar bright light. It made her feel warm and happy. It was a perfect moment, until Robyn heard knocking at the door. " Come in!" She shouted. Her 'mother' entered the room. " Robyn, we need to talk," She said.
" Yes mother?" Robyn asked.
" One of the perimeter guards saw you..... with the evil witch." Ashenay? She's the evil witch? Robyn thought in surprise.

" So I'm afraid that you need to stay in the castle and are from now on banned from leaving it. Robyn I understand that you are mad but please understand, this is merely a precaution. I want you to be safe." Robyn was shocked. Her own ( Technically adoptive ) mother was banning her from having friends !? " Out. Now !" She yelled at her 'mother'. The queen left in shame. How could she.... n-no. She probably has her reasons. I guess I understand, she's just concerned. But she'll get over it in some time. Robyn thought to herself as she lay down to sleep.

Wait. If I meditate enough, I bet I can transfer my conciousness to Ashenay as a ghost or spirit or something. She focused, and focused, and focused, until she thought that she would run out of it. Eventually, she felt a connection and saw a bright light before being in front of Ashenay. " Ashenay !" She yelled. " Robyn!?" Ashenay cried. She ran to  hug Robyn but her hands swept right through the spirit girl. " What..?" She muttered.
" Look. I was banned from leaving the castle so I came to you as a spirit, so I can't exactly make a carbon copy of myself. Meaning that this is the best that it'll get," Robyn explained. " But then couldn't you just teleport ?" Ashenay curiously asked.
" Well I contemplated that, but there's most likely a guard posted outside my door to check in on me every once in a while so I could only do it like this," Robyn finished. Ashenay slowly nodded, still a bit confused but she roughly understood the situation. " Well we can still continue your training like this I hope ?"
" Training.... yeah..." Robyn quietly answered. She had forgotten all about it since her little argument with the queen.
"Cant stop now I guess...." She sadly stated.

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