New bodyguard

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Cinthia was sitting on her throne when she heard one of the door guards yelled out her name. "Queen Cinthia ! The new bodyguard has arrived!"                                                                                       
"Ah, yes. Let them in," She called back to him. The door guard opened the door and a small child that looked no older than thirteen walked in. "Please state your name and age," Cinthia ordered.
"My name is Robyn Fal and I am thirteen years of age," The girl said. Cinthia tried to make out the rough shape of the girl but failed to do so. She sighed. "I can barely see you. Guards, Open the blinds!" Then the guards pulled on some string and the blinds slowly went higher and higher until they were at the top of the window. The royal chamber was extremely big. It had stone walls and floors that matched almost perfectly with the red carpets on the floor. There were beautiful chandeliers that looked like they were levitating off the ground about fifteen feet in the air, there wasn't much distance between them and the floor. There were long tables along the sides of the chamber that were lined with chairs. The tables were not set but they still looked quite welcoming.

Robyn and Cinthia both squinted their eyes but opened them soon enough. Then Cinthia saw, as the sunlight poured in, that it pooled in Robyn's eyes that gleamed with slight fear and amazement at how powerful the queen looked in her throne. She immediately softened at the sight of the young girl who stood there in front of her. Then she fixed her posture. "Come up here Robyn," She ordered.                                                                                                                                 "Y-Yes my Queen" Robyn replied and walked up the small staircase that led up to the queens throne. The throne had red cushions that were lined with a gold rim. it was probably the most expensive thing in the room.                                 "Kneel." Cinthia commanded as she picked up her sword from the ground. Robyn immediately kneeled at Cinthia's feet. Cinthia placed the sword on both of Robyn's shoulders before saying "I hereby declare you, Lady Robyn of the kingdom of Meran," She declared. A smile snuck on to Robyn's face as she heard her new title.

As Robyn returned to her home she looked like a toddler who just got their favorite toy for Christmas. She had a smile painted on her face and her eyes were gleaming with happiness, the moon reflecting in them. After all of her hard work and training she finally got into the queens royal guard ! She was really excited about the next day when she could meet all of the other members that joined at the same time as she did, and the ones that have been on the queens royal guard for some time now. She had a million thoughts that kept her awake that night. In the morning she got ready quicker than ever and immediately went to the queens side. She was ready for all tasks thrown in her way and all the obstacles she would have to overcome.

~~ The next day ~~

"So, you're the new bodyguard. You look so young though" Robyn glared at the older guard.     
 "At least i'm not as old as you are you little-"                                                                                                         
"Hey cut it out Kyle. She's new. Leave her alone," Another older guard said before I would have to make this book have swear words. She was quite tall, with dark skin, long oak-brown hair and piercing green eyes. Kyle snarled at her and then walked away with a shrug. On the other hand, he was also quite tall yet had pale skin, freckles and dark orange hair that was cut quite short. "Sorry about him. He's mean to new people. But he'll learn to like you eventually. By the way, My name's Lianna. you're Robyn right ?"                                                                                                  "Yeah, how did you know ?"                                                                                                                                         
"Oh, words out in the town that a super young girl has become a bodyguard of the queen. Everyone's saying that she's gonna die. Rumors are, the Queen kills anyone who does not please her as a guard. But that's probably not true. Our queen is actually really nice once you get to know her. You know, I was on the queens personal guard before you. Tell ya what, wanna be friends ? I can give you some tips...." Robyn gave it some thought.                              "Sure. Doesn't sound too bad." She calmly replied.                                                                                             
"Harsh. Anyways, I have a quick question. You're thirteen right ?" Robyn nodded, almost done with putting on her armor which looked a bit too big for her. "So how come you know how to swear ?" Robyn looked at Lianna sarcastically before blinking a few times.                                               
"Look. It's not worth asking because I don't honestly know myself." She left Lianna standing there and joined the queens side in the throne room. Who else what standing next to the queen ? Well Keith of course. "Keith ? What are you doing here ?" Robyn whispered as she walked up to him.
"All three of us are here. We are all the queens guards." He then noticed Cinthia motioning to come over and pushed Robyn to her. "Join me in the library at twelve o'clock today." Robyn was confused but listened. At 12:00, she hurried to the library where Cinthia was already waiting. "Please, sit. I have just come to ask you some questions." She motioned for Robyn to sit down in front of her. "First, do you have any questions ?" She asked. Robyn thought about it for a long time, but everything already seemed crystal clear to her. She shook her head. "Good." Cinthia gazed out of the window. "Now, on to my questions."

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