Big reveal

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"So you are an orphan. Correct ?" Robyn nodded, not sure where Cinthia was headed. "Ok....And remind me, what happened to your parents ?" Robyn hesitated, but then fell into deep thought   
"Well.... A few years ago, my parents told me that they were going out on a walk and assigned a babysitter to take care of me. At first glance, this may seem quite ordinary but my parents were.... magic users." Cinthia flinched from surprise, but kept a calm expression. Magic users weren't a normal person that would freely be out and about, let alone hire a babysitter !"Go on, I'm listening," Cinthia urged, eager to hear the rest of the story. Uneasily, Robyn continued. "So they were out, and I was at home with a baby-sitter when we heard loud banging at the door. It wasn't very early so we just thought it was some drunkards but we kept on hearing banging at the door, over and over again. They eventually yelled that if we didn't let them in, they would kick the door down. My baby-sitter knew that something was up, so she told me to go hide in the closet as she went downstairs.I ended up not hiding in the closet, but in a little space I carved out behind it in case of emergencies. A good ten minutes later, they opened the closet door and took a quick look before closing it and yelling "Nothing here !". Some time later my baby-sitter came and opened up the closet to find me. She told me that they were hunters who had found my parents and came to search the home for other magic users. My parents were taken away to who knows where and my baby-sitter couldn't take care of me so I was left on the streets to find my own way in living. I then managed to teach myself how to use a sword so I could join the queens royal guard."

"I see, I see. Well I have a proposition for you. You live alone in a home that you built yourself and is in the middle of a dangerous forest with beasts that could kill you with one strike I assume ?" Cinthia inquired. Robyn shyly nodded her head in response. "How about, you come live with me. I can get the adoption papers all sorted out and you will be good to go. How does that sound ?" Robyn was surprised. She never expected to be adopted by the queen. "W-well of course !" She blurted out.
"Well then, return to your home and pack your belongings. Oh, and now you may refer to me as mother or how teenagers call it, mom," Cinthia told her with a smile. Robyn thanked the queen and ran back to her home. She also spoke with the landlord that he could destroy the house. After, she started to speedily pack her belongings which were just a small amount of clothing, a stuffed bunny toy that was quite old and a little bit of food that she had leftover. She watched as the landlord came to destroy the house and then scurried off to the palace, afraid that she may be late. "My queen," A guard called. "The girl has come," He finished off. Cinthia smiled.
"Let her in, and remember that you must now treat her with your utmost respect Xander," She reminded him. Xander bowed and let Robyn inside. Robyn entered and looked around with amazement. This palace was now her home. It still amazed her. Realizing her manners, she quickly bowed down. Cinthia chuckled and then said "There is no need to bow child. You are my official daughter after all," Cinthia said with a smile. Robyn grinned from ear to ear. It was the most exciting day ever. "Lianna, mind showing Robyn to her new room ?" Lianna nodded and then walked up to Robyn. "Shall we ?" She jokingly said.
"We shall," Robyn replied and they both giggled before leaving to go to Robyn's room.

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