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Robyn and Lianna walked through the hallways. The stone walls were arched and covered in paintings of old historical figures. Robyn stopped moving. "Hey, Robyn, why did you stop?" Lianna asked. Robyn pointed at an old painting. It was three figures standing next to each other. "Hm ? Oh, that's Kharina and her friends," Lianna said walking over to Robyn. Robyn stayed quiet for some time. She seemed shocked. "You okay Robyn?" Lianna asked again. "Th-the other two..... they're my parents..." Robyn quietly said. They both stood there in surprise.
"But that wouldn't be possible, I mean, your parents would have to be over a hundred years old. It's just not possible," Lianna tried to reason. "Unless.... were your parents magic users...?" Robyn quietly nodded. Lianna was quiet, before taking Robyn's arm and continuing down the hallway.

Once they got to the room, Lianna opened the door and let Robyn inside. "Lianna I-" Robyn started.
" If you need anything, just call me." Lianna shut the door. Robyn stood there in silence. A silent tear dripped down her cheek. I should have stayed quiet. Just said I recognized the figures but I couldn't remember from where. Now, because of my mistake, I lost a valuable friend. She thought. She cursed at herself before finally lying down to go to sleep. As she looked out the window, she saw a glimmer of light from the nearby forest before falling into a deep slumber.

She woke the next morning to the excited chatter of maids outside her door. She yelled, "I can hear you outside of my door you know ?" And the maids all scurried in. They moved so quickly that she could barely keep up with them. They measured her before putting her in a hot bath and combing her hair. She was asked all kinds of questions from her favorite color, to even what she looked for in a man. Eventually, she was presented with a stunning olive green dress that had an oak brown belt with a shining golden buckle. The dress wasn't all fancy like princesses in story books had. Instead, it was a dress for a girl of the commonwealth or someone living in the country and working on a farm. Robyn immediately fell in love with it and tried it on. It got perfectly and looked absolutely stunning on her.

The maids all left Robyn standing alone in her room. She admired herself in the mirror before quickly brushing down her hair and leaving the room. She was met by an astonished yet also unfazed Lianna. She bowed to Robyn before setting off at a walking pace just so Robyn could catch up. There was an awkward silence between the two. "So, look. I want to get things straight. I'm not mad at you, I just needed some time to comprehend that that painting was painted over a hundred years ago, so I didn't think it was possible. I can understand why you kept it hidden from me,and I just hope that you will forgive me," Lianna announced, breaking the quietness.
"It's ok, I already forgave you a long time ago," Robyn replied with a smile. Lianna chuckled and then opened the doors for Robyn to enter the main area. Robyn thanked her and went to sit down next to her 'mother'.

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