Won't Be Speechless

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Star used his magic to make the stick glow

Olivia: what did you-

Magic came out of the stick and made a apple bigger

Asha: Whoa!

Olivia: it's magic... I would be a lot happier if...

Asha: I know but we can do this!

Olivia: thank you Star but now you have to do your part

Star nodded and flew away

Asha: you know how to use that right?

Olivia: I think so-

She zapped a firework into the sky

Olivia: Well that's new... let's go

Asha and Olivia both run off deeper into the forest and magnifico was able to see the firework

Magnifico: challenge accepted


Meanwhile Dario, Safi, Hal, Bazeema Gabo and walked into the room with the wishes

All: Whoa...

Dario: through the heart we understand the world

Gabo: Huh?

Dario saw all the poisons on a table

Dario: Oh! Hot drinks!

Gabo: those aren't drinks!

Then Star flew through the window and up to the group

Hal: Star! Your here!

Star giggled

Gabo: How's Olivia? Is she safe? And what about Asha?

Star nodded

Gabo: Phew...

Dario: Aww!

Gabo: C-Can we just focus?!

Hal: right first we open the roof and then Star returns the wishes!

Safi: the queen said we need to look for giant pulleys

Valentino already climbed up to the pulleys

Valentino: maybe these pulleys? start climbing! As my mother always said 'if someone falls... leave them!'

Gabo: are you sure that's the only way?

Valentino: Yes!

Gabo: Fine... how do we get up there?

Star made books float and created a set of stairs


Back with Asha and Olivia they hid behind bushes when king magnifico arrived

Olivia: alright let's see-

Magic shot out of them stick and moved the bushes apart

Magnifico: big mistake

They both ran off but magnifico ran after them

Asha: try again!

Olivia: third times the-

She tried to blast Magnifico but a dress appeared on a mouse

Olivia: Charm... why is this so hard?

Then Asha and Olivia jumped into a big wagon

Olivia: please work this time!

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