What Everyone Deserves

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Magnifico: you know Asha I would love to see someone wish to be the best apprentice a mighty sorcerer had ever had. What do you say?

Olivia saw Asha holding her grandfather's wish

Olivia: Um father?

Magnifico saw that to and they both walked up to Asha

Magnifico: Asha?

Asha: it's my Saba Sabino's wish. It's his birthday today and he's 100 years old

Olivia: Wow really?

Magnifico: that's impressive

Asha: ...your majesty would you maybe consider granting his wish tonight?

Olivia gestured for Asha to stop talking again

Olivia: too soon...

Magnifico: we that was fast wasn't it? Most people wait a few months even a year before they start asking me for things

Asha: I'm so sorry! I did not mean to-

Magnifico: no no its ok

Olivia: Phew...

Magnifico held Sabino's wish

Magnifico: this is a beautiful wish... but unfortunately its to dangerous

Asha: dangerous?

Olivia: how can it be dangerous?

Magnifico: Asha your Saba to create something to inspire the next generation. Great wish!

Olivia: then why-

Magnifico: the wish is to vague. Create what? A rebellious mob perhaps? To inspire them to destroy Rosas maybe?

Asha: my Saba would never do anything to hurt anyone

Olivia: I've met him and he's a nice old man

Magnifico: you both think that-

Asha: we know that!

Magnifico: ...while you two are young you don't know anything really where as it is my responsibility to only grant the wishes I am sure are good for Rosas. This will be your job someday Olivia when you are queen

Olivia: I didn't realize how many you don't grant...

Asha: which is most of them

Magnifico: yet I still protect them like all the others

Asha: ...can't you just give them back instead?

Magnifico: excuse me?

Asha: the wishes your not giving to grant you could just give them back and I don't know the people can try to pursue them themselves

Olivia: or at least let the people remember what their wishes are?

Asha: good point if they're dangerous then they can be stopped but if they're not then-

Magnifico: you both completely missed my point! People come here because they know they can't make there own dreams come true. The journey is to hard or it is to unfair. They give their wishes to me willingly and I make it so they forget their worries! That's why I don't have anyone remember there wish Olivia

Asha: you make it so they forget the most beautiful part of themselves and they don't know there missing but you do... and now we do!

Olivia: forgive me for saying this father but your rules don't make any sense

Asha: exactly! It's not fair! My Saba is good! Our friends are good! The people of Rosas are good! They deserve more then-

Magnifico: I DECIDE! What everyone deserves!

Asha was shocked and Olivia backed away a little bit

Olivia: I-I'm sorry I didn't mean-

Magnifico: its alright but it's clear Asha is a bad influence on you

Asha: What? I-

Just then Amaya walked in the room

Amaya: Mi Rey? Mi princesa? Sorry to interrupt but it's time for the ceremony

Magnifico: is it my love? Seat Asha with you and Olivia on the main stage

Asha: Oh no it's ok-

Magnifico: I insist

He held onto Olivia's arm and walked away

Olivia: Ow... Father Asha isn't-

Magnifico: stay silent Olivia! That is your one rule command


Later that night the wish ceremony started and Magnifico went on stage with Amaya Asha and Olivia sitting nearby

Magnifico: are you ready Rosas?!

The entire crowed cheered

Magnifico: another beautiful night in my kingdom! So good to see you good to be seen!

Olivia and Asha noticed there friends in the crowd.

Magnifico: first things first we have two new citizens ready to give their wishes

two people walked on stage and up to magnifico

Magnifico: you're both going to be very happy here I promise you. Now make a wish and hold it in your heart

They both made a wish and gave it to Magnifico

Magnifico: it's a real weight off isn't it?

The citizens walked back into the crowd

Magnifico: who is ready to have there wish granted?! Now I have been challenged today to take a chance and try something new. Thank you Asha

Olivia put her hand on Asha's shoulder to comfort her

Magnifico: and it is with clarity and an open heart full of love that I grant today's wish to someone who's been waiting long enough... Sonia Osman!

Sonia ran on stage and up to magnifico

Sonia: it's me! It's me! So excited!

Magnifico: Sonia Osman I mean it when I say it truly is my great pleasure to grant your hearts desires... to create the most beautiful dresses in all the land!

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