Welcome To Rosas

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A storybook opened to the first page that had a picture of king magnifico

Olivia: once upon a time there was a young man who believed there was nothing more important then a wish

The book opened to the second page which had a picture of people making wishes

Olivia: Not just any wish the one that makes you who you are. But he also understood how hard it can be to make that wish come true how easily dreams can be crushed

The third page had a picture of potions and stars

Olivia: and so he studied the magic of the world every day and became a mighty sorcerer

The forth page had a picture of magnifico granting wishes

Olivia: he protected any wish given to him and for the good and the worthy he would grant that wish

The fifth page had a picture of Rosas

Olivia: the sorcerer didn't know if the world would want his gift but he and his wife found the perfect island to build there new kingdom like no other. Where anyone no matter where they came from were welcome. To there joy people came! They settled there from far and wide gave their wish in appreciation for his protection. That man and his wife are my father and mother


Asha met up with Olivia at the entrance of Rosas with travelers

Asha: I'm here! I'm here!

Olivia: are you alright?

Asha: Yeah just let me catch my breath! Hello everyone! Are you all ready?

They all walked into the kingdom

Asha: so welcome to
rosas come on come
this way to where the
greatest creations is
all on display there's
no other place as full
of surprise where all
your dreams and the
reality can collide so
you wanna dance on
beat or to have your
hair touch down too
your feet go to outer
space well you have
all come to the right

Olivia: cause here in
the city of rosas you
can turn wanting to
wishing no what ifs
and no wonders yes
here in the kingdom
of rosas It's unlikely
that you will not be
happy with so much
to discover a home
for me for you all of
us the city of Rosas

Asha stood next to Olivia

Asha: so meet Olivia
who is the princess
she is known for her
kindness who more
then earned a crown
and if your ever sad
or feeling down she
will always turn that
frown upside down

Olivia smiled and continued to sing

Olivia: and there is
my father is named
king Magnifico and
he also built Rosas
many years ago

Asha: he has lightning
for hands with eyes
that can glow no no
no I'm totally kidding
but he is powerful

Olivia: he's just like us
with a twist

women: and someone
that I'd like to kiss

Asha: oh dear!

Olivia: a magic swish
and there you have it
poof there's your wish
and when you turn 18
you get to give a wish
in a ceremony and he
keeps them safe with
every wish he's given
and once a month he
grants there greatest

Asha: It could be you
someday or my saba
sabino's I can't wait

Man: Does it hurt

Kid: Do you cry?

Asha: no and you will
not even miss it when
you say goodbye

Olivia: cause here in
the city of rosas you
can turn wanting to
wishing no what ifs
and no wonders yes
here in the kingdom
of rosas It's unlikely
that you will not be
happy with so much
to discover a home
for me for you all of
us the city of Rosas

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