Issei: want to tell me why you following me around?, It it's irritating

Rias:(angry) We want that body back It doesn't belong to you

Issei: funny rias, you think this body belongs to someone else, I don't have time for your little games I have things to do, leave neither of you understands the problem in front of you

They were shocked that he knew who exactly they were but waited to attack in case he attacked one of them He walked past them and he felt a hand on his shoulder and pulled him to turn around

Sirzechs: you are coming with us you won't get away with this and we will take our loved one's body back

Issei: this body is mine you can't change that, and I wouldn't be so high and mighty zehcs

He flipped Sirzehcs over then the rest started to attack him he negated every single one of their attacks they couldn't touch him and he was too fast to power they then tried and get him to stand still he continued to dogged everything something caught him off guard he saw Irina and the face she had it wasn't happy nor was it angry it looked empty of life, he never wanted that for her, he watched as Irina used her sword to wrap around his legs and then drag him where the rest knocked him out

Issei: (blacking out) "shit"

Sirzechs: (catching breath) Now let's get him back to the underworld if he wakes up he might not be docile anymore

They nodded and took him away to the underworld once back they strapped him down and started doing tests on his body

Micheal: we have a spell that we can try to revert his body to how it was, would you mind if we try?

Sirzechs: go head lord Micheal it alright

He opened his hand and placed it over the body and they watched as bright golden flakes fell on his body and they tried to revert his body but it woke him up and he screamed in pain trying to get it off him

He pulled the straps off but Sirzechs blasted him down and vali divided his power it divided but he couldn't use it the power faded away like it never existed

Vali: "weird it's gone"

Issei(in pain) LET ME GO!

Azazel injected something into his neck that knocked him out and they carried on trying to see what they could do to get Issei back.

This carried on for a week straight they beat him repeatedly to get him to sit down and see if they could get issei out but it was a useless fate

After their last number of tests and attempts to get him back, they decided to cross reference all his scars and looked at the scars to cross-reference them with what they knew he had and it wasn't looking good everything was a match

Rias: everything is a one-of-one

Ravel: these others seem more drastic, you can see this one is still fresh but the skin burst here and here while the rest of these look like blunt force trauma like someone hit him with a bat or a fist

Irina: he's even got the cut I accidentally gave him when we came back, even the cut he got on his arm when we were kids

Akeno: but is it him? We can't say for sure, some of his magic matches but the rest doesn't it doesn't even look like him anymore...

They carried on looking at his face but it was hard for them sometimes it looked like him other times it didn't and it was so painful to see this

Azazel: necromancy takes everything and makes a new person, I'm not sure if we can wake up the Issei we know but as of right now this isn't him after a week and nothing has changed its not him but is him at the same time we need to tread lightly around him for time being we have suppressed his magic and power far lower than a low-rank devil and it will stay that way till we can figure something out

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