Sparks of love and pain

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So... how do y'all feel 'bout RaphXApril?

"King Leonardo!"



Leo opened his drowsy eyes. "A-pr-il?" He tried to say, but the words just didn't quite form. "Oh...thank goodness." She sighed in relief. Leo recalled being hit in the head with a metal pipe, and the thought came to his head: 'Why am I not dead? I should be dead.' (Did you recognize that line? Comment if you did!)

"How are you feeling?" April asked after a silence. "I—" Leo couldn't form any words, and he choked slightly. April had been prepared for this, apparently, and said, "on a scale of one to ten, one being mild, and ten being deadly. Tap your finger the same amount of times as the number you want to tell me." Leo's head was spiking in pain, and he kept his eyes closed, even the soft light hurt it, and despite April whispering, it sounded as though she was yelling into his ear.

He tapped his finger 8 times. "Okay." April said, and Leo felt her place something cold and wet on his forehead. He wished he could speak. "I want you to try and stand. We need to get out of here." April said softly. Leo nodded ever so slightly. He opened his eyes, and realized that April had lowered the lights to about the lowest they could get.

He felt the area of his head first, checking for where it would hurt when he stood. He could feel a long crevice on the top/back. He decided that it wouldn't be too bad, and gingerly put his hands under his body. Very slowly, he lifted his chest, leaving him in a plank position. He softly brought his feet up against himself, and pushed up as slowly as possible, until he was on his feet. He swayed a lot, but he could stand.

"Good. We're gonna go as fast as possible." April said, and gave Leo her hand. He accepted it, and began walking. He stopped quickly though, he couldn't even walk at a normal pace. He grimaced, the tender spot of his head shooting bullets into his brain. "It's okay," April rubbed his hand softly, "walk as slowly as you need to."

Leo began to walk again, this time taking very small steps. It still hurt, but less than his original pace. After about an hour of walking, April said softly, "Leo, you can sit down, even lay down if you want. We're safe." Leo didn't know what she meant by 'we're safe', but he was relieved to be able to rest. He sank to his knees, and lay down, arm under head. Sleep took over almost at once.

Flashback: (April & Raph)

"Help! The rogue chihuahua has attacked the king!" Raph heard the guard yell. 'Leo!' He realized. "Don, get Mikey to the med bay, the librarian will help you." Raph said, lowering his brother into the gentle arms of the cat. "What about you?" Donnie asked. "I've gotta find our brother." Raph said, rushing back to corridor B.

'Pablo...Leo...' April cried, watching as the bodies were lifted by the guards. She was about to run, when she heard a crash over by the guards. Curious, she peeked out of her hiding spot, and saw the red wearing mutant turtle from before. Leo's brother, if she was remembering correctly.

"What's going on?" Raph growled as the guards picked up the two mutants. "The king was attacked, prince Raphael. We are taking him and his attacker up to the palace." A guard said. "What? But that dog wouldn't attack Leo." Raph said, at least he didn't think that Pablo would.

April had lost sight of them, but could somewhat hear their conversation. "I'm not gonna tell you again, that dog didn't attack my brother!" April assumed it was Leo's brother speaking. "And I'm telling you that he did. I was there." The guard said in a voice like that of a dirty rich person.

And how did he knock Leo out?" Raph said, a smart move on his part, in April's opinion. "He used a pipe." The guard replied. "Have we done a DNA test?" Raph asked. "No, prince Raphael." "Then do it!" The turtle yelled. April took that opportunity to leave the pillow fort, only to stop when she saw that Raphael was right in front of her. "Eep!" She yelled in a startled voice. "Woah, I'm not here to hurt you." Raph said.

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