|Lɪᴛᴛʟᴇ Gᴀɴɢsᴛᴇʀ|

Start from the beginning

I still remember her being in Viraj's lap while he was busy in his phone. Annoyed Arya who was not getting attention from her chachu managed to kick away that damn phone away from his hand which flew feet away gifting so many cracks to the lifeless being. While poor Viraj couldn't help but regret. 

Arya literally crossed all the limits when I found her playing with milk packet and karchi. But before I could stop her, it was too late, she had already tore apart the packet and was bathed with milk.

We were worried, and that that little naughty kid was happy playing with the milk splashed around.

I came out the trance as Meera's scream hit my eardrums. Poor Meera was struggling with Arya who wanted Meera's hair at any cost.

'Crap!', I murmured.

'Aru, Aru baccha. Be a good girl. Leave, leave beta.', damn that little's grip. I freed Meera's hair with great difficulties. 

'Damn this little gangster, I guess I need to gift her a wig.', Meera made face while setting her hair and I couldn't help but laugh my heart out.

'Are you ok?', I asked, after controlling my laugh.

'Thankfully, yes. It's good you freed me, else she had all the plans to make me bald. Seeing me bald, your Viraj chachu would run away from me, you know that naughty kid.', Meera rolled her eyes and my laugh relapsed while her scolding didn't affect the little Arya, she just laughed.

Meera's mouth hung. 'Just look at her. Shameless.'

'Meera you are such a mood.', I exclaimed amidst my laughter and she joined.

'Anyway, can you handle this little gangster till the time I freshen up?', I asked her.

'Yah sure. But just lemme tie back my hairs, I need to secure them.', I giggled hearing her and she tied her hair up into a bun. 

'Come sweetie.', Meera exclaimed in a childish tone, and extended her arms to Arya.

But seems like she didn't want to leave her father. She let out a little cry and snuggled deep into me. 

Meera looked at me with questioning eyes and I assured her.

'Aru, go to masi. Your best friend.', I whispered slowly in her ear. 

She peeped and looked at Meera who gave her a affectionate smile and extended her arm yet again. But Arya yet again snuggled into me.

'Uh let it be Meera. I will just freshen up later.', I exclaimed and she nodded before exiting from the room.

'Come baby, let's give you a tour at your mumma's favourite place.', I murmured to her while she continued looking at me. 

I carried her to the balcony which was adorned will greens all around, Radhika's favourite place to spend her time. Arya's eyes twinkled and bounced in my arms, making me realise that she is just like her mom.

The best views of my life were seeing my queen and princess's happy faces. 

I bounced onto the hanging chair and swinged Arya, while clutching her tightly to my chest, securing her. My gaze didn't leave Arya who was giggling her heart out feeling the swing for the first time. 

Her little hairs blew as the chair swinged adding more cuteness to her cute face. 

Damn! How can someone not fall in love with her.

'Umm sorry to disturb the precious father daughter moments, but I just got Arya's milk.', I used my feet to get the swing to a halt as Kavya's voice rang into my ears.

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