Draco widened his eyes and his face turned red as he asked. "How do you know?"

"You confessed yesterday to your healer." Harry replied and got an 'oh' in return.

Draco was now looking at their intertwined hands. He was not able to understand why he felt so safe with Harry. Harry has bought him as his slave and he was even bisexual so he has bought him for his needs. He would someday behave just like those monsters. But he still felt safe.

Draco slowly looked up at Harry and again asked. "Why did you buy me?"

There was silence for a minute before Harry replied. "Isn't it obvious?"

Draco again looked at their intertwined hands not having anything to say. After all, he was just a slut who was used before by those monsters and now by Harry Potter, his childhood enemy. Harry must have had so many options to buy but he bought him so that he could bully him now. So that he could laugh at his helplessness and pain.

'It's okay I deserve this. I deserve all the pain of this world. This is my punishment for all the wrongdoings. It's okay.' Draco thought as he still looked at their intertwined hands with an expressionless face.

"Why did you bring me here at ST Mungos? You didn't have to. I would have been fine without healing." Draco said in a low tone. He was feeling quite low, thinking that Harry would hurt him, someday.

"You needed healing, Draco. You were injured and I can't see anyone in that state. Not even you and besides I am not like those monsters." Harry replied.

Draco just nodded his head, still hurt.

"I think we should sleep, it's too late," Harry suggested and he left Draco's hands.

"We should again share the bed so that you don't get nightmares," Harry suggested and Draco just nodded his head.

Harry lay beside him. They were again lying next to each other and very near as well. Draco felt his heartbeat rising as he felt the proximity overwhelming. He felt safe with Harry when it came to others. He knew that Harry wouldn't let anyone else hurt him but what about Harry himself?

Draco looked up at Harry and saw his eyes already closed and he looked asleep. Draco sighed in relief. It was the first time after so many years that he was looking at Harry so intently. He looked a lot different than before.

Before, he was an underweight boy whereas now he looked quite tough and muscular. His grown beard made him even more irresistible. Draco, from their childhood, found Harry attractive but now he looked way more attractive than before. His personality, his charisma, his charms, and his attractiveness had increased in these years. However, that was not the case with Draco himself.

Draco looked at his underweight body. He was always so proud of his looks and the way he carried himself but everything was taken away from him. He lost his father to Dementor's kiss, then he spent almost a year in Azkaban which was way too hard than he thought it would be. Living under a Dementor's and constantly thinking about the crimes that you have committed was enough to go crazy. Dementors took away all the good memories of his life and just left him with his sorrow and guilt. Then, when he thought that his life would change for good, he was kidnapped from Azkaban. Didn't know how, didn't know by whom but he was taken to a dark place where he was starved for the first few days and then they did all the bad things that could happen to a human. All the bad things that they were capable of doing with Draco and now he was in St Mungos beside Harry Potter, who was his new master, who would hurt him shortly?

Draco closed his eyes as he took some deep breaths to calm his emotions. He was broken and hurt in all the ways possible. His will to live this life had been decreasing with each day.

'Just be okay for me Draco. Please I need you in my life.' He remembered his mother's last words before he was sent to Azkaban.

"I am only alive for you, mother." He whispered as few tears fell from his eyes. He closed his eyes and cried more as he felt so much pain in his chest.

'I don't want to go through assault again. Please god please.' He pleaded and this was not his first time. He pleaded every night in that place with the hope that one day god would listen to his pleas. That one day he would be out of the hell and be safe in his mother's arms.

'A few more months, Mother, and I will be with you again. I promise, this time I won't disappoint you. I will do everything to give us a good life.' He thought and a few more tears fell from his eyes.

'Just a few more months.' He whispered hopefully. He hoped that Harry had only bought him for a few months and he would let him go once he completed his service tenure.

What if he had bought him for a lifetime? This thought suddenly got in his head. What if he never got to see his mother again?

'I will die.' Draco covered his mouth with his hands as he felt himself losing control. His cries intensified and he was trying his best not to wake Harry up.

"Draco, are you okay?"

Draco's heart leaped as he heard Harry's voice. His body stiffened and fear ran down his spine at the thought of punishment. He disturbed his Master's sleep and this calls for punishment. Worst punishment. He slowly opened his eyes and met his tear-filled eyes with Harry's.

Harry's right hand wrapped around his stomach and he stopped breathing as he awaited for some pain that never came.

"Are you okay? Why are you crying?" Harry asked in a concerned tone.

More tears fell from Draco's eyes as he was not able to control his emotions. He tried but his tears and his pain didn't stop.

"Come here," Harry whispered in a low tone and slowly took Draco's body in a tight hug. Harry rubbed his back slowly and let Draco cry.

"It's okay. You are safe now." Harry whispered in his ears and placed a small kiss on his head.

"Plea...please don't h..hurt me." Draco pleaded while crying.

"Never," Harry promised and kept rubbing his back.

After a few minutes, Draco was able to control his emotions and he stopped crying. Harry was still hugging him tightly and was rubbing his back.

"Are you alright?" He asked and Draco just hummed. He broke the hug and Harry wiped his tears.

"Sorry," Draco said in a low tone.

"No problem," Harry replied and smiled at him. "Now sleep, I am here nobody will hurt you."

Draco nodded his head and closed his eyes. He was drained out due to constant crying and he slept within a few minutes.

To be continued...


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