XVII. Inclusive Dr. Doofenshmirtz

Start from the beginning

Following the sound of voices, she found the campers— minus Ben, whom she forgot had died a few days earlier on the monorail— in a mostly intact store.

"Ooh! Lost and found!" Darius shouted. "Sunglasses, hat, sunglasses, sunglasses... Sunglasses, really? No one lost their cell phone?"

Eva pulled at the strings of her hoodie, mumbling, "Hello."

Everyone's eyes snapped to her figure.

"Oh, thank god!" Sammy smiled as she made her way over. She carefully pulled Eva into a hug. "We were so worried about you!"

"Thanks for, like, not letting me die."

"Oh, you can thank Kenji for that," Brooklynn said without looking up as she rifled through a bookshelf. "We made him carry you again."

"Oh?" She caught Kenji's eyes, who flushed pink and quickly looked down to the display he was standing at. The word thanks sat at the end of her tongue, but for some reason, she couldn't say that single word. Eva looked around the room, eyes landing on a little green and blue dinosaur plushie with sweet little eyes, almost begging her to take him with her.

"Well, whatever phones are here aren't working," Yasmina said, breaking the awkward silence. "The power's out. There's not even walkie talkies."

"Oh yeah? Then what do you call these bad boys?" Kenji said as he whipped out two triceratop shaped walkie talkies.

Yasmina pressed a button on one of the kids walkie talkies. An electronic roar emitted from the device. "Definitely not 'bad boys,'" She remarked.

"Awe, they're so cute though!"

Yasmina tossed the walkie at her. "All yours."

"Hey, at least they work." He clicked a button and began speaking into the walkie, "They even have a robot mode." His voice came out robotically.

Eva chuckled.

"Oh!" Sammy exclaimed, book in hand.

Darius popped over the desk. "You found something?"

"An Insider's Guide to Jurassic World! It's got all kinds of details about the park. Did you know there's hidden dinos carved into the buildings? Or that aircrafts aren't allowed to fly over the island? ... Sorry, that last one's a bummer."

"Hey!" Brooklynn shouted.

"Is it a phone?" Darius questioned.

"It's a camera! And it works! Now I can document all the crazy stuff we've seen! Our rescue will be a Brooklynn exclusive! That'll get my follower count back up to where it belongs!"

"And that will help us, how, exactly?" Yasmina asked with an eyeroll.

"Uh, because when we get home, this will also make you famous?"

"Hey!" Kenji yelled.

"Please tell me you found a phone?"

"Uh, no, but I could be in the video." Kenji peered into the end of the camera that was pointed towards him.

Eva looked around the small room before beelining for the wall behind Brooklynn. She pulled one of the ball caps off a peg and fitted it onto her head. She took it off again, and pulled all her blonde hair into a knot on top of her head. She didn't have a hair tie, so the hat was the next best bet. Little pieces of hair fell from under the hat and framed her face.

Sammy gasped.


"Nope, it's better than that. It's an EDB— emergency distress beacon! After the first park went down, Mr. Masrani installed one on Main Street. It's battery powered and can send an SOS signal a hundred and fifty miles in all directions! We're saved!"

"Does it say where it is?"

"Uh, no... The rest of the chapter is just glamour shots of Dr. Wu wearing turtle necks."

Eva peered over Sammy's shoulders, eyebrows raised. "Wow!"

"I know!"

"No, I mean, he looks like an anime villain. Or an inclusive Dr. Doofenshmirtz."

Sammy gasped, "Oh my god, now I can't unsee it!"

"Everybody spread out!" Darius instructed. "There's a way to communicate with the outside world somewhere here on Main Street. We find this thing, and we go home."

"Affirmative, human. Beep. Boop-boop. Beep."


first chappie of season two!! I'm so excited! Hope you enjoyed, :)

- Atha

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