One of the Tonuks, the one in front, bent down and gave a slow blink to him, which he responded with a raised eyebrow.

The two Tonuks talked for a bit while he looked around trying to see Ri, though he found that he didn't need to do this as he heard the high pitch voice squeak behind the cage.

He was taken back to the room he was at before and was let out of the cage.

As he turned around to face Tonuk, he saw the second one quickly sit down on the floor like when he met Tonuk some days ago.

The two Tonuks shimmied over to a wall while still sitting down as Ri went into the room, closed the door and sat next to him.

He sat down leaning against a wall as well, feeling kind of awkard at just being there for a while not doing anything.

He noticed that slowly, one of the Tonuks was inching closer to him, though he was still unsure on wether it was the original or the twin.

He managed to get a closer look and noticed some subtle differences in the twin, mostly on a different eye colour, as they were red instead of black and a slightly different head shape.

He continued waiting around until the twin started speaking, where he just barely managed to notice that it had a barely higher pitch voice, which made it a bit easier to hear it talk.

The twin was now a bit too close to him, so he moved away once again as all the aliens started chatting.

Feeling a bit cold, he decided to stay close to Ri, since it was radiating heat quite nicely, which he only noticed until he moved away.

As he sat down, Ri tried to pick him up by the armpits, which he rejected by tightening his arm and moving away slightly, so instead it decided to pick him up by the legs and back, struggling while pulling him up to its lap.

He gave Ri a slightly nasty look and got away from it, feeling even more awkard at the whole situation, plus, annoyed at how boring the whole situation was.

The whole experience was boring, though at least if was fairly short, as the twin left along with Tonuk after a bit.

Ri stood up as well and got closer to him, then nudging him to get up, which he obliged, still mad at being picked up like that, since sure, he wasn't about to fight it against Tonuk, that thing was massive, but at least with Ri he could avoid it.

He followed the alien as it went back to a room like the one with the monkeys, where Tonuk and the twin were cleaning up a bunch of toys on the floor, mostly just sweeping them over to the side with their tails.

He noticed there weren't any monkeys here, instead only having the painted walls, a softer light, lots of beds stacked up in what looked to be a fake, tall bush and other pieces of furniture.

He watched as the Twin went out of the room and then came back with one of the monkeys, setting it down on its lap and placing its hand on its head.

A bit worried as to why that was the case, the thought that maybe it could be dangerous came up, justified by the twin holding it down.

Tonuk picked him up to his annoyance and placed him on its lap, also placing its hand on his head.

He wanted to get off but Tonuk continued to hold him down lightly, so he started speaking out, mostly just grumbling and complaining at how dumb this whole thing was.

The two aliens seemed to get happy and started chatting, so he stopped talking, instead settling on looking at the monkey, who seemed to be happy as well, pushing strongly against the twin's hand.

He was a bit confused at this until he realized that it was actually being pet, along with himself, so he pushed off Tonuk's hand, feeling weirded out once again.

Tonuk allowed this and the twin followed suit, letting the monkey go, which proceeded to immediatly start walking on four legs, though it looked like it could also walk on two.

It got closer to him, which made him uncomfortable so he got away from it, climbing off of Tonuk.

The monkey continued following him, and, remembering how scary Earth monkeys are, he really didn't want to get any closer to it, so he walked away faster.

The monkey was basically chasing him now, as he tried evading it by using Tonuk as a wall, though this didn't work for long.

He noticed that he could climb the small bush with beds, which he could use to push off the monkey if it tried climbing after him, or he could use it to jump off to some other furniture item.

He easily climbed the ~3 meter tall bush due to the low gravity and his plan worked, as he could easily block the monkey from climbing up with his foot.

He didn't expect it to climb as slowly as it did, which he only now noticed left him a bit dissapointed, letting him realize he was having fun, even if he was a bit scared.

Eventually the monkey gave up, making some whimpers, to which Tonuk got up and picked him up and put him down on the floor, where the monkey started sniffing him before he could get away.

He was very uncomfortable at this and got away once again, this time getting on top of a drawer, where he was finally allowed to stay at.

Tonuk and the twin both left, taking away the monkey and leaving Ri with him, who also left after also giving him a sniff, which he responded to by giving him a disgusted face.

At least now he was left alone, so he continued practicing how to pronounce Tonuk's words until the twin came back shortly thereafter.

Captured by aliens (It was his own fault)Where stories live. Discover now