Decking the halls

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Looking around Greyson's room had me thinking, it's about a week before Christmas and we have next to nothing in decorations. I head to the attic to start finding the Christmas decorations, Laura had bought previous years. She has a lot more red and gold options than blue or any other colour I wanted to do, but just go with it taking the boxes down to the main floor. Luckily Lindsey had put up the lights already or else it would look terrible as it's days before Christmas and we don't have any decorations. I start with garlands by the staircase, and Greyson's bedroom because if I'm staying there, it needs to feel like Christmas time. A couple Christmas plushies, Mistletoe scented candles and a mini Christmas tree should do. The Kitchen and other rooms didn't take much time. Now there's only two more places to decorate, outside and the living room. I honestly want all of us to decorate the living room together, because it's more fun. I know it's 9 o'clock in the night and I shouldn't go outside to decorate, but I do anyways. A couple giant candy canes and reindeers, making the lawn look simple yet Christmas timey.

Inside I find all the idiots pizza on the couch. "It would be nice if you would help decorate the living room" I say dropping the box. "I have a little something for all of us I guess" Caleb says, "what is it" Mads asks " give me a second" he says running up the stairs. Caleb comes back down the stairs less quick this time with a box in his hands. "Custom ornaments" he asks "sure but let's make it a competition" Greyson says. "Winner gets a box of candy canes, loser gets pie in the face" he states. "Who are the judges" Mads asks "not important" Greyson says. "May the best ornaments win" Caleb says handing us each stuff to decorate them with. I do a red glitter based ornament with hot glue 3d diamonds making sure it's perfect in every way. "Times up" Caleb announces and we all put our ornaments to dry. "As they dry we can decorate the living room" Caleb says "sure" I respond hoping to get this over with. We had already have a fresh Christmas tree before they left, but it needs decorating. I place a garland on top of the fire place, placing 5 stockings as we're spending, Christmas together. Now for the tree, "remember no two colours beside each other" I say placing another ornament on the tree. "Whatever" Mads says "ooo mistletoe" Caleb says picking up a fake plant with a couple leaves and what I think is fake berries. "No" Mads says pushing Caleb's hand away as he holds a mistake for between them. "Just the star left" I say holding a very pretty gold star in my hand, "care to do the honours" Greyson says. "Sure" I say attempting to put the star on the top of the tree. "Is Lyle's too short does she needs a hand" Greyson mocks laughing a little "no" I say as I try again. As always Greyson doesn't listen and lifts me up, with my thighs resting in his shoulders. "Perfect" Mads says as I see her and Caleb record us putting the star on the tree. "Put me down" I demand, and Greyson does. "Are the ornaments dry yet" I ask. "I think so" Caleb says. The ornaments well most of them are pretty, Madelynn's ornaments is quite far the prettiest, it's a cream colour with gold designs and quite elegant. I would pay 100$ just for one of them. Caleb's is much more simple yet beautiful, his is a sliver that's very shiny with drawn on snowflakes. I don't think anyone would buy Greyson's ornaments though. His is probably every colour of glitter possible with hot glued pearls in the shape of a G. It is hideous, absolutely hideous. "Who are the judges" I ask Greyson "our mothers" he responds taking pictures of all the ornaments. "It probably will take a while for their response so Home alone movie marathon" he shrugs "sure I'll grab the popcorn" Mads says. Mid movie I get a text from Max saying he needs to talk to me and to meet him at the park. "I'll be right back" I say getting up from the couch going to grab a coat of mine. Madelynn mouths where are you going and I mouth back Max. She nods going back to watching the movie. I hear footsteps behind me as I'm putting in my sneakers. "Where you going this late at night" Greyson asks "places now off you go" I respond but he's leaning on the door frame "Greyson I said goodbye" I say slamming the door at him. I go to the park seeing Max just standing there waiting. He sees me and waves "hi Lilah" Max says smiling "Hi Max" I smile back at him "why'd you call me here so late at night"I asks "I need to warn you about something actually someone" Max says. "But before that I wanted to ask how's your day been so far" he asks me smiling. Max's smile is so cute. "Almost good" I respond back "how was yours" I ask Max wondering actually how was his day. "Mine was fine but why was yours not good" he asks me "Greyson" I respond "of course it's Greyson".

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