The Sleepover

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We pull up to the boys house and go inside. We all take our seats by the dining table and eat dinner. After dinner, we go up to Greyson's room and sit on his bed getting ready for a movie. 30 minutes have gone by and we finally chose a move, The Conjuring. "Pass the popcorn" Mads says while fixing her position on the bed. "Your spot" Caleb says pulling Mads close to him, "Since we're having spots now Lyles come here" Greyson's says tugging me to his chest. "Lyles, that's new" I say before elbowing him in the ribs. "SHHH THE MOVIES STARTING" Caleb shouts.
Time goes by and a scary scene starts playing I scream loud enough probably the whole neighbourhood could hear me. The scene ends and I realize I'm hugging Greyson ew. "Aw Lyles is scared" he said "shut up". The movie ends and Mads decided to bunk with Caleb betrayer. I would take the guest room but I'm way too scared to stay there alone so right now I'm walking to Greyson's room to .... bunk with him. "Hey Lyles what you need?" "Uhm well I was wondering if I could stay with you because well yeah" "Sure someone finally decided to sell in" he says. "Well can I come in" I say realizing the hole I just dug myself into "Uhm Greyson?" "Yea?" "Slight issue I don't have pyjamas" I say worriedly "No worries" he says handing me one of his shirt and sweatpants, "there's a bathroom other there you can change in" he says with a slight smile "thank you" I said.


I see Lyles walkout the bathroom in my clothes and lays on my couch with a blanket. "What are you doing" I question "going to bed obviously" she responded "That couch is quite uncomfortable to sleep on trust me, come on my bed" I said pointing to a spot on my bed beside me. "It's fine" "no it's not" "I don't want my girl sleeping on a couch" I say quite angered "FIRST OF ALL IM NOT YOUR GIRL" she responds shouting I know Caleb and Mads could probably hear us "please" I say giving her my best puppy eyes "Okay" she says in an annoyed tone. She finally lays right beside and falls asleep and I also slowly drift away. I WAKE UP AT 2 AM TO SCREAMING it's 2AM right now and Lilah is screaming . I hug her tight and slowly let go to prop her in front of me then wipe her tears not letting go of her arms. "What's wrong?" "I had a nightmare" "what happened?" "A killer girl monster thing came and took you and you can guess what happened" she says with tear coming from her eyes, "well it wasn't here, I'm right here with you" I say pulling her in for a hug and letting her cry on me, she lets go of me and props her self upright so I can see her face "I'm not crying over your fake de@th I'm crying over the fact I wasn't the one to k!ll you" she says before laying back down. Once we both lay down I pull her in and hug her tightly not letting her go no matter how much she begs after a while I fall asleep again with her in my arms.


I wake up to see Greyson's arms around me. I don't want to disturb his sleep he looks so peaceful and cute. But I slowly move myself from him but I feel a tug on waist dragging me down. "If you don't remember we have school today" I say taking his arms off my waist. My mum dropped off clothes for me to wear and my school bag. I go shower and get ready in Greyson's bathroom. By the time I'm done I've probably heard Greyson say "HURRY UP" a thousand times. I find Mads all dress and ready matching with Caleb. A little suspicion comes through my thoughts and Greyson finally is ready. As we walk through the door Greyson hands me his hoodie and says "wear it" in a demanding tone. So I do. We start walking to school while me and Mads catch up. "So Lilah me and Uhm Caleb are a thing now" "yea I can tell" "when did this happen though?" "Yesterday" "When I went to Caleb's room, we had a bit of a deep talk and realized how much we both liked each other" when we get close to the school I start to see what I think is a group of girls surrounding a boy. I think he's new. He's quite good looking with blonde hair, blue eyes and a sharp jawline. He's very tall indeed but I think Greyson is taller. He looks at least 5"4 I walk up to go talk to him "Hi I'm Delilah are you new here?" I asked very boldly "yes I'm new my names Max by the way" "So... Max who's class are you in?" "Ms Brown how bout you?" "Same" I respond with a smile growing on my face "So Delilah I'll see you around" he says as the bell rings so loudly I think my eardrums will burst "see you around too" I say cursing that stupid bell for ruining my potential chance with Max the "new kid"

Word Count - 903

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