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"Get better soon" I say kissing her forehead. I get my remote and turn on my tv. "What show" I ask her "Outer Banks" she says and I turn it on. "From the start?" I ask her "yes" she says very intrigued in the show not me. "You're paying more attention to a show then me" I say dramatically "I love OBX and JJ" "what does this JJ guy have that I don't" I rolled my eyes "blue eyes" she responds showing my a picture of MayBank "HOW AM I NOT BETTER THAN HIM" "IM TALL, IM STRONG, IM BLONDE, I PLAY HOCKEY, EVERYONE LOVES HOCKEY, I HAVE FLUFFY HAIR, ARE YOU ACTUALLY OBSESSING OVER HIS ABS" "HAVE YOU SEEN MY ABS" I say as she's dying of laughter. I take my shirt off to let her look at my abs. "You must be kidding if you like him for than me" "I like Max more than him" Lilah says "you what" I say disgusted "what does max have that I don't" I question and she's at a lost for words "okay maybe I don't like max" she says, "good" I pull her in for a hug even though she hates them. She tries to get out of the hug but I strengthen my grip keeping her close. "I WANNA WATCH THE SHOW" she says attempting to pry my arms off her, but fails. "Okay" I say moving my arms around her waist, sitting upright I pull her between my legs and kiss her cheek gently. "My ankle feels better I think I'm going to go downstairs and grab a snack" she steps on the floor, and I step behind her. she takes two more steps in front of me before tripping, luckily like the amazing future boyfriend I am for her, I caught her. Yes future boyfriend because I can only see Delilah and Delilah only as my future. With my arms around her waist and hers around my neck,it was the perfect time for Mads to walk in and take a photo I thought sarcastically. "Oooooo" Mads says I try to stop her from taking a photo but she already did again. I pick Lilah up from the ground and carry her to the kitchen, whereas I slowly put her in a stool in front of the pantry as I show her snack option. "Oreos" I ask as she nods yes, "Chocolate chip cookies" she nods yes again "milkshakes" she nods again. "This is going to be so bad for my body though" she says "it's not love don't worry" I say passing her the snacks so I can carry her back up the stairs. "Grey" she says "Yes love" "We have a test Monday can we study" "what's the test on" "Geography and history on earthquakes" she calmly replies "WHAT THE FUCK SINCE WHEN" I'm freaking out. I get average grades just enough to keep me going, though I'm quite good in science and gym every other subject I'm barely passing with 70's. "So are we going to study" she asks "yes love" I say placing her on my bed then grabbing the textbook for geography. "Ooooooo Study date" Mads says walking in the room "come to join" I say passing her a note book. We refer to a couple different earthquakes in the past and their Magnitude. It's about 6 and I need a break. I start playing music in my room with my speakers, IDGAF by Drake and Yeat obviously. "Drakes so zesty" Mads says "not as zesty as Greyson" Lilah insults me. I kiss her on the lips, her soft pretty lips and the second she pulls back I say "am I zesty now" leaving both of them speechless. Caleb walks in and says "thanks for not giving me an invitation to your little date here" getting on the bed "OH FUCK WE HAVE A TEST" he says looking at us studying. He joins us study and we writing notes for another hour. Currently it's 7 and my mom called us down so dinner. She made her world class famous chicken Alfredo, which so happens to be Lilah's favourite dish. "Mhmmmm" Lilah say "your the best Laura" Lilah says "Aw thank you Lilah" My mum says as we all finish up with our food. Once dinner is done, Lilah insisted on cleaning the dishes, so she did. While standing on one foot. "Love could you be any faster" I ask her "I'm done" she says as I carry her back up. "Greyson you really don't have to do this" she whispers "but I do love" "I'll do anything for you love" I whisper back "would you carry me around for the rest of our lives" she asks wrapping her arms around my neck gently "if it meant I could spend the rest of my life with you I would love" I say getting to my room and placing her on my bed for the 50th time today. "Pyjamas" I ask her " she nods and I hand her my hoodie because she claims to already have shorts with her. She limps to the bathroom and what after feels like forever but probably was 20minutes she's limps out. She looks even more gorgeous than she already is in my clothes. I wish I could watch her forever like this. "Does it look okay" she asks wrapping her arms around my neck willingly for once. "You look beautiful as ever"

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