Chapter One - What happened?

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Louella was over at the Winter family for the night since Ethan and Mia invited her over and of course, she agreed.

She was currently sitting on the couch listening to Mia telling stories for their daughter, Louella smiled at the dozing baby as she tried to keep in a giggle. After the story ended Ethan spoke out.

"What is with the creepy story? She is only six months old." Mia closed the book and Ethan took it and inspected the book after he put the book on the table beside his chair Louella looked at Mia.

"Yeah, what's with the creepy story?" She chuckled. "But I'll let it pass since your baby is so cute when she's asleep." She giggled lowly not wanting to be loud in case she woke her up. "I'll possibly kidnap her for being too cute." She joked and Ethan shook his head.

"Well, the woman at the store said it was a traditional. A local tale. And please don't kidnap Rose." Mia giggled as Louella followed suit.

"Since Rose is asleep, Ethan can you put her-" Mia was suddenly cut off by Louella.

"I'll put her to bed!" She said a bit loud and instantly put her hand in her mouth.

"Sorry," She whispered as she smiled gently. Then Mia chuckled.

"Okay, here, and be careful." Mia glared and all of them stood up as Mia carefully handed Rose into Louella's arms and She smiled at Rose's sleeping face. "So cute" She mumbled and softly stroked Rose's head.

"You put her on her crib and I'll be making dinner." Louella nodded and went upstairs carefully holding Rose in her arms.

"And please don't kidnap Rose!" Ethan yelled jokingly as Louella giggled and put her big hands on Rose's ears gently then she answered Ethan back. "I will!" She chuckled lowly to herself as she came faced with the door and opened the door.

There were toys on the floor and it was very lively, she walked towards the crib very slowly and put Rose carefully on her crib, she grabbed her monkey toy on the chair made monkey sounds, and swung the monkey around on top of Rose like a plane. After the little play Louella put, she put the monkey beside Rose and stroked her head. She slowly walked out of the room and gently closed the door behind her. She walked down the stairs and saw Mia stirring something on the pot and Ethan just watching her.

"I've successfully kidnap your daughter." She giggled and went beside Ethan.

Ethan shook his head again as she chuckled finding it amusing.

"So what's for dinner?" Louella slowly approached Mia from behind sneakily.

"Don't approach me when I'm cooking." She said out loud and Louella groaned.

"Please, I wanna see what it is... I'm hungry..." Louella pouted.

"You should've eaten more earlier before you came here then." Louella rolled her eyes and Ethan laughed.

"Shut up..." She groaned as Louella walked beside him and elbowed him on his sides he groaned and held his sides while Mia shook her head and smiled.

After Mia stirred the food in the pot, Louella helped them set their table and put the glasses on the table.

Louella sat on the chair waiting for the food to be ready and then Mia put the pot on the table indicating the food was ready. Louella got up and went beside Ethan, both of them reached their hands out only to be hit by the spoon.

"Ow!" Louella and Ethan said in Unison as Mia glared at the both of them.

"Hands off both of you." She pointed the spoon at the two and went back to stirring the food.

"So what's that?" Louella asked curiously as she looked over.

"It's ciobara de legume, it's a local recipe."

"You sound fluent when you say the name of the food." Louella said impressed.

Mia put the spoon to the side grabbed the wine from the kitchen table and poured the wine on the glass. Ethan sat on the opposite side of Louella and Mia was standing up. While they were having a little chatter. There was suddenly a bang hitting Mia on her right shoulder.

"Mia!" Ethan and Louella shouted at the same time then a continuous bang shot Mia multiple times. Both of the two ducked on the table and Mia has a red spot on her clothes. She was bleeding out. Louella's eyes widened as she was under the table ducking.

The table was suddenly moved to this side revealing Chris Redfield.

"Chris!? What the hell!?" Chris shot Mia again and Louella saw a fully dressed up men in black running upstairs as the two men were talking and the men's guns were suddenly pointed at them.


Louella and Ethan suddenly heard a baby cry, they quickly looked at the man who was holding Rose.

"Rose! What the hell are you all doing with my daughter!?" Ethan shouted as Louella shouted as well. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Chris!?" Louella watched as the man gave Rose to Chris.

"Package secured, sir." One of Chris's minions said as Louella rolled her eyes.

"What the fuck do you mean 'package secured'?" Louella crossed her arms as she glared at Chris.

They ignored Louella's question and Chris turned around slightly and started to walk away from the both of them.

"Take them away," Chris said as Ethan ran up to him.

"Take your hands off her!" Ethan yelled at his face and both Ethan and Louella approached Chris as they held him by his shoulder to hold him back.

"No." Both of the two turned around and they got hit by Chris's minions. Both of them got hit so fast, that they fell on the floor and Chris and his minions looked at the two.

They heard Rose's cries again but they couldn't do anything. They couldn't do anything their eyes were closing like there were some heavyweight plates on their eyes to close them. They tried to fight it but couldn't.

"Rose..." Ethan's arms went up to reach Rose but it was too far. His arms fell on the floor as Louella was completely knocked out, their eyes seeing nothing just pure darkness.

"Get them out of here." He instructed them as his men nodded. Both got taken away by their feet getting dragged, and they felt they were being dragged onto the floor but they couldn't get up or do anything at all.

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