Chapter 10

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(Guys, I changed Dexter Harrison's name to Jackson Lyon due to complications with my other book.)

Lex's POV

I stare at her.

She looks uncomfortable. "Er so what did you want to talk to me about?", she says shakily.

I subconsciously observe her.

She's trying not to be obvious but is clearly failing. I can read her like a book.

She flinches. She's scared of me.

She must hate me.

I mentally chuckle. She sees me as her captor and kidnapper.

Can we ever be lovers, or even friends?

"L-Lex?", she says hesitantly, fidgeting with her clothes.

I just want to embrace her. And hold her tight, never letting her go.

I'm crazy, right?

I never chose this life.

I was dragged into it, and I can't escape, or at least without getting those I love killed.

They don't even know the burden I carry knowing that if I don't stay in this life, they'll be dead, even worse, tortured.

I stare at Iris.

What a lovely name, Iris.

"Lex", she says again.

"Sorry, I zoned out", I say, and she nods her head, still scared.

I grit my teeth.

I hate when she does this.

I just want to tell her everything. How I'm sorry for dragging her into this and how it wasn't my choice.

I chuckle bitterly.

I can't.

Cruel fate is keeping me captive.

Why can't I just live a normal life?

I catch myself and put on a mask.

Iris' POV

In an instant, his demeanor swaps and his vulnerability liquidates to nothing.

"Sorry. I zoned out."

Oh well if you wanna act tough and invincible, so will I.

"Really?", I challenge him.

"Watch your tongue", he warns me and my heart beat increases.

You always have to put people in their place, don't you?

He pulls me closer to him by my arm, and I gasp.

"Don't test me", he whispers, tightening his grip on my arm.

My knees go weak, and fear gnaws at my heart.

I try to escape, but he doesn't let me.

Instead, he says, "Well if you want me to let you go, first surrender."

I don't listen to him, before finally giving up.

He lets me go.

And this was the guy I thought I was once befriending?

I mentally scoff.

How delusional I was.

How stupid I was.

A tear slides down my cheek, but I quickly wipe it off.

You give him an inch, he'll take a mile. I can't expose myself again.

Won't hurtDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora