Chapter 6

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I wake up on a bed, wondering how I got here. Did that-
Did that person drug my food!

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard a calming voice, "Isis. I see you're awake"  I hop out of the bed and look at the owner of the voice, a middle-aged female. "Good day, I presume my son told you of the mission?" I nod yes in response. "I hope he didn't hurt you too much. You see, he and his father have a tendency to be excessively violent when it comes to stuff like these", she says, as if that will change my perspective.

I walk towards the door to exit, and surprisingly, she lets me.

"Two days have passed. It's time for you to come with me". I look towards him. "Your fake name is Blaire Hartfield, a 16 year old girl who loves books. Call me Lex," he says.

When I don't respond, he walks closer, almost touching me. I take a step back. Saying nothing, he takes a step forward. "You'll see them soon, you know".

"I don't trust you", I say blatantly, voicing my thoughts.

Leaning closer, he whispers, "You don't have to" and butterflies form in my chest.

He then escorts me to a garage, full of cars.

I reluctantly follow him and go in the deep blue Porsche, in the backseat. "Get in the front", he commands.

I stay in the back, silently protesting. He starts the car and pulls off.


We stop at a luxurious store called La Maneli. "Stay here", Lex states before he enters the store. I take this time to get in the front passenger seat.

After a while, he comes back, with a bag full of clothes. He gets in the car, and upon seeing me in the front seat, he forms a slight smirk. Lex starts the car.

After a prolonged silence, as if he could sense my emotions, he asked, "What's wrong?"

I couldn't help but cry as I said shakily, "I can't take this anymore. I miss my family. I could get killed, and you guys act like everything's fine! You act sweet one second and then hurt me the next. What's wrong with you! And-"

I stopped when I looked at him. He looked hurt. Like he was actually sorry. He said nothing however, so I asked him to say something. "I want you to change into some clothes I brought. You can't go to anywhere like this."

Pangs of emotion washed over me. How cruel could one get? I stayed silent, not wanting to sin by saying the words that would come out of my mouth if I did say something. I may be a bit dramatic, but I still miss my family!

God please help me not to hate him. Help me to love him as you love me.

We arrive back at the house and Lex brought me to the bathroom, where I take a shower, only to realize that he has the clothes he told me to change into.


I wrap my body in the towel, covering all the necessary places. After tip-toeing in my room, I freeze when I see a gun on the table, and avert my gaze to Lex and some male in his forties or something.

They just stare.

"Lex, great job. You brought her in", I heard the man say coldly, finally looking away. Lex curtly replies a thank you and walks up to me, placing the bag in my right hand. I take it and mumble a thank you, heading for the bathroom.

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I stare at my father's emotionless face and cold, grey eyes as he scolded me, "How could you give her all that information? What's your problem?"

"Sorry Dad. I don't know what happened." He sighs, "Just know. You put us and you in risk of dying or getting caught." All I could do was apologize.

I don't know why I gave her all that information. I don't know why I brought her in the car, I guess I just wanted more time with her. Something about her just seems to attract me, making me do foolish things that could kill me. She's the reason why I dropped my guard.

Her radiant nature and caramel eyes. How she talks properly. Everything about her. It entrances me.

As if on cue, Iris walks in gracefully, wrapped in a towel. Then she freezes. My heart drops. She saw the gun and now she's scared of me.

I was only trying to scare her then, not knowing her as much as I do now. Now, I can't bring myself to hurt her. How can I shoot her when I look at those eyes?

My dad stares at her, which I know as him observing her features. He's scanning her face and making sure she's scared. Is she's not, then he'd say we have a problem. "Lex, great job. You brought her in", he says. Knowing him, he's probably hiding his sarcasm and saying I commend you, at least you actually brought her in.

Noticing Iris' embarrassment, I jump to get the bag, and quickly give it to her. She mumbles a thank you and I just want to take back everything I did. Why couldn't I choose someone else?

Now I know. I was being selfish. I wanted her, knowing she was innocent and dragged her in. Now she has to get involved because I couldn't choose another unattractive girl, to me at least. I could've chose someone who was used to breaking the laws, conning people and lying for fun. But I didn't. And that's my biggest regret.

I guess I'll have to live with this guilt for a long time.

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