blue hues and sunset

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Andrew saw her talking to a girl as he was walking upto her she noticed him and turned her attention towards him " did she explain how we're suppose to divide work?" He asked looking at her "yeah there are five lanes and each group gets one" she explained pointing towards the lanes and while she was explaining he took the basket from her hand and nodded "okay then let's get to work" he said walking towards the field " y'know I can hold my stuff right?" She said following him "I know but it's no big deal" he said setting the baskets down when they reached their lane of tulips he looked back at her "alright miss joy teach me your ways" he said smiling and she rolled her eyes at him a small barely noticable smile on her face "alright then rookie get to work" she replied back explaining to him the tools and everything when they heard another truck pull up near the fields she looked back at the road and so did andrew
        Her aunty and miss julie got out of the vehicle and she smiled when she saw her aunty" hello my darling" she said approaching joy pulling her in for a warm hug and she hugged back" hello aunty how've you been" she asked her and they talked for a bit before her aunty turned and saw andrew who was standing behind joy looking at the tools still observing them deciding not to intervine in a conversation he wasn't a part of "who's that young man?" She asked turning to miss julie"oh he's andre he joined today so I assigned joy and him together" miss julie replied beckoning Andrew over and he did smiling charmingly at her aunt "hello I'm andrew rivera nice to meet you" he saiid shaking her hand "pleasure to meet you and see" she said and looked at joy briefly giving her a look andrew smiled at may and let go of her hand " there something going on between this boy and you?" May whispered turning to joy glancing at andrew who had went back to the lanes of tulips and started doing what miss julie was instructing him to do joy looked back at may " what? No aunty we're just friends" she replied her aunty had a small knowing smile on her lips "for now" she said to joy
     Before joy could ask what she meant another truck pulled up near the field a man exiting and coming towards miss julie and may a client had came to discuss something and they had to go back miss julie handed the keys of the truck they came in to joy " make sure to park it right when you get back... you might be here for more time then you expect because of andrew" she said and left with the man she looked back at andrew who looked pretty damn proud of the work he had done he had a bit of mud on his pants and hands and the side of his nose she thought he looked cute but she wouldn't say it to him "looks like you already learned everything" she said examining his work and you get surprise he was very good at it "it's let's get everything done" she said to him and tapped her side of the nose and pointed at him he was confused for a moment before he touched his nose and noticed the mud he was a bit embarrassed about it
      By the time they were done with work the sun was setting she looked at andrew with a smile "finally we're done...let's go back now come on" she said gathering to him and they gathered their tools and carried their baskets back to the truck putting them in the back of the truck she got into the driver's seat and Andrew got into the passenger seat she turned the key to start the car but it didn't work she tried several times but to no avail "for heaven's sake" she said undoing her seatbelt in anger but andrew calmly got out first "I'll check it out relax" he said going to the bonnet of the car and opening it he stayed there for a bit before closing it and looking at joy shaking his head "no problem in there the engine looks fine..?there must be another problem" he said he walked up to her window looking at her " what could it be" she said getting out of the car and as she was she noticed the car was showing the no fuel sign she slammed the car door shut she was tired already and now this problem "no fuel in this piece of junk " she said pacing back and forth andrew looked at her "don't worry we'll figure it out.... we'll do something" he said.
      He went to the back of the truck taking one if the baskets out and a piece of fabric for them to sit on that was in his basket he layed it on the side of the road and put the baskets that only had food on the ground"come something and then we'll brainstorm it's easy to get angry when you're hungry" he said with a small smile and joy after not listening for a bit finally sat down near him he handed her a wrapped sandwich from her basket and she thanked him the sun had almost set and a few stars were visible now and the air was growing chilly she looked at andrew who was eating the sandwich calmly and looking at the sunset the bluish hue around him made him look even better he turned to look at her and she looked away making him smile "feeling better?" He asked "yeah....thank you" she replied as one of her hands tracing the pattern of the piece of fabric they were sat on he noticed that " we can't call anyone since there are no signals and walking back isn't a option it'll take too long...out best bet is waiting until they send someone to look for us " she said looking at andrew who nodded "okay...I'm fine with that"
      He saw her shivering slightly "you're cold...." He said more as a statement then a question and started taking his jacket off his biceps visible because his uniform had very short t shirt length sleeves he had a small smirk on his face and flexed in purpose "liking the view?" He said putting the jacket around her and she looked away flustered "shut up." She said and he laughed " I don't want you to get cold because you wanted to be a gentleman...let's go sit in the truck until they get here" she said trying to take off his jacket but he out his hands in her shoulder pulling into back on "okay...but keep it on..I insist " he said getting up and offering her his hand which she took this time unlike earlier he gathered the things on the floor putting them in the back of the truck and climbed into the. Passenger seat and she got in the driver's seat now both of them were alone at nightfall in a truck with no fuel in a cold weather maybe this coldness will lead to some warmth...or maybe it won't.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13 ⏰

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