Chapter 1: The Great Fire

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It has been six years since the Kyuubi no Kitsune: Kurama was ripped from Kushina Namikaze, wife of the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze, and had its power resealed into their newborn Children Natsumi and Menma. Both were declared as heroes to the village. Forgotten by his own parents was their younger brother Naruto Namikaze.

Natsumi looked exactly like Kushina when she was six only her facial structure was the same as Minato's, the complete opposite of Naruto he looked like a mini Minato with Kushina's face. Menma looked like Minato but had crimson hair and three whisker marks on his face.  Both children had three whisker marks on each cheek due to Kurama's influence while they were in Kushina's womb.

Over the last three years Natsumi's personality has gone from being a kind child to a little bitch. When something didn't go her way she complained until someone gave her what she wanted. She bullied other children mostly Naruto though . Overall she had an attitude that could rival the Uchiha and Hyuga together, yet no one seemed to notice.

Similarly, Menma became more cruel and condescending to others, especially Naruto. He befriended two heirs named Sasuke Uchiha and Kiba Inuzuka. Together they all beat Naruto to a bloody pulp.

Naruto's Life has been a living Hell specifically over the last three years. He had no friends save a select few individuals, the villagers hated him because someone said he was the jinchuriki of the Kyubi's soul instead of his siblings and worst of all his parents were brushing him aside like he is not worth nothing. Most people in his position would have taken the coward's way out of running away and nurse his hatred for Konoha. 

Every advance he made to get his parents to train him along with Natsumi and Menma was turned down. Minato and Kushina kept saying they would train him when he entered the academy at age eight, and every time they went back to training their precious Children. Yet through all the bad times Naruto maintained a positive outlook on life, never once did he complain to his parents about the beatings that he received from the people around him, and he never gave up on things that mattered to him like trying to be part of his family. Yet despite this happy outside on the inside Naruto was almost at his breaking point.


Today was October 8th, Naruto was going to ask his parents again if they could train him or if he could at least join the ninja academy next year. But Fate has a strange way of creating its heroes.

"Tou-chan! Did you see that?" Natsumi called out as she walked up the tree.

"Excellent job Natsumi-chan" Minato said with a smile "Your as strong as your mother was when she was your age."

"I'm better though" Menma said as he ran up the tree grinning all the way.

"Alright you three lunch is ready so come and get it!" Kushina called as she brought a tray of four ramen bowls to her husband and Children. Once all four had eaten Minato asked the kids to go inside so he could speak to Kushina in private.

Naruto was just about to go outside but he was stopped when Natsumi came in.

"Move it Baka!" She ordered as he stepped out of her way.

As she continued to her room Naruto reached for the door but stopped when he heard his father talking.

Menma just ignored his presence and went to his room.

"You know what Kushina?" Minato asked his red haired wife "In two days at their birthday party I plan on allowing Natsumi and Menma to sign the toad contract" Minato told her. Kushina looked at him like he was insane.

"Don't you think that it's a little too soon for them to sign the contract?" she said in a concerning voice.

"Not at all, once they sign it I will begin to teach them the Summoning Jutsu" Minato said.

"Why do you want them to learn so much so soon Minato" asked Kushina.

"I won't have my children go out into the world and get themselves killed because they weren't prepared" said Minato

"I see that's understandable" said Kushina.

"Also I'll be making Menma the clan heir for the namikaze and Natsumi for the Uzumaki. As for Naruto I want to marry him to 4 noblewomen from the other 4 great Nations" said Minato shocking Kushina and Naruto who was listening on the other side of the door.

"But Shouldn't Naruto be able to choose what he does in his life?" asked Kushina still shocked. Naruto perked at this, his Mother actually sounded like she cared even for him even for a little bit.

"Yes but this is a once in a century contract that could end the cycle of hatred and create peace between the elemental nations. If the freedom of Naruto is what I have to sacrifice for it then so be it." said Minato not realizing how royally he just screwed up.

"BUT ITS HIS CHOICE YOU MORON! YOU CAN'T JUST TAKE THAT FROM HIM!" Kushina roared furious that her husband had the audacity to say such a thing. "JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?"

"As Clan head and Hokage I can." Minato said in a tone that ended their little argument.

"Now come let's finish Natsumi's training for today" said Minato getting a silent nod from the red headed woman.

Hearing this Naruto ran to his room and locked the door. Then he let his tears fall freely. In one instant he had lost everything that was important to him and his world came crumbling down. For the rest of his life he would be nothing more than a tool that would someday be forgotten.

He just wanted to be free and be loved. That's all he's ever wanted but it was getting quite clear to Naruto that he wouldn't find it here. Steeling his resolve he began packing his bag.

That night when the Namikaze family was asleep, Naruto woke up and placed his plan in action. Luckily for him everywhere he went there were no guards as if some outside force was willing him to succeed. Naruto snuck into the Hokage library and took all the scrolls on chakra control and elemental manipulation. He then sealed all the scrolls into a small scroll and placed in his back pack. Then Naruto began planted remote paper bombs all over the place and left the building.

Reaching the main gate Naruto could not believe his luck once again. The gate was open just enough for him to slip through and both guards were sleeping on the job. Once Naruto was outside the gates he activated the bombs, and ran so fast it was like he wasn't even there.

KABOOOOM! The explosion seemed to shake the entire village waking everyone at once. Shinobi were scrambling to put the fires out as Minato arrived in only his nightwear. Minato was shocked someone had snuck into the village and blew up the Hokage Library. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks all the scrolls concerning the families of Hokage were in there along with countless other scrolls of great significance.

"I WANT THAT FIRE PUT OUT NOW!" Minato ordered concerned about his Clan scrolls. "SAVE EVERYTHING YOU CAN!"

Outside the Village Naruto was ecstatic he had done it and he was proud of it what he had done would severely cripple Konoha if their Hokage's clan could not learn their own Jutsu.

"TO THE SEA, THE HOME TO THE FREE" thought Naruto as tears of  joy endlessly poured down his face.

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