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"Tae tae I gave you many kissy already"

- kookie scowld taehyung who was continuously asking for more kisses

"Just one more baby don't you want cookies?"

- taehyung,

"You are literally blackmailing a kid you know?"

- mrs. Kim, somi said disappointed

"C'mon mom it's not like you don't kiss dad"

- taehyung

"Give me a break"

- somi said with a annoyed face. Taehyung shifted his gaze again to kookie just to spot a big pout on his lips

- taehyung smiled because he knows kookie accepted his defeat,

- kookie moves closer to taehyung's face who was waiting to feel kookie's lips on his,

- kookie placed his kiss on taehyung lips and taehyung started to suck kookie's lips gently,

- Somi got up from the couch not really wanting to see her son basically blackmailing kookie for cookies,

- as they pulled out kookie was breathing heavily but taehyung didn't even seemed to be tired,

- taehyung took a cookie from the side table and handed it to cookie and kookie gladly took it feeling so proud at himself and started eating it,

"Baby do you wanna learn a new thing?"

- taehyung asked, kookie looked at taehyung with doubtful eyes like he surely knows how much dirty taehyung is,

"Well only um if it's not about k-kissy"

- kookie said, taehyung faked a pout

"Well then maybe you don't want the bigg surprise I prepared for you"

- as taehyung Stated that kookie's eyes went wider

"A-a surprise"

- kookie, taehyung nodded

"For me"

- kookie asked while pointing a finger at himself and taehyung nodded again,

"No no I wanna know kookie wanna know"

- kookie said,

"No now I won't tell you don't force yourself I know you're not interested"

- taehyung said teasing him, kookie shook his head

"No no I really wanna know"

- kookie,

"No, how do I believe that you really wanna know?"

- taehyung said literally testing kookie's patience,

"Oh my, I swear on cookies I really want to know!"

- kookie said more like yelled, taehyung smiled at the little figure,

"Ok, ok baby"

- taehyung said while taking kookie from the chair settling kookie on his lap,

"But now first part you lips"

- taehyung

"Huh w-why?"

- kookie asked, taehyung let out a annoyed sigh

"Well that's the process"

- taehyung

"And my reward for telling you the big surprise"

- taehyung said while staring at the poor baby's lips

"It won't hurt right"

- kookie,

"No ofcourse why would I hurt you baby"

- taehyung,

"You already did many times, you freak"

- somi backed up while putting her jacket on going towards the main door as a sign that she's going out for sometime

"Don't forget I'm your son"

- taehyung yelled back,

"Oh no honey where did you heard that from I picked you up from a trashcan"

- somi fired back, the servant's were too shocked that their jaw literally touched the floor and even taehyung's while kookie was just busy zooning out,

"Your face says it all"

- somi yelled, taehyung looked at her mother with a shocked face while somi just gave her a smirk

"Did you think I wouldn't say anything when you literally blackmailed my poor baby kookie for those little thing, cookies huh you had it coming!"

- somi said and with that she walked out like the king she is,

"She's like ticking bomb"

- a maid whispered, cursing at herself when taehyung replied

"And I heard that"

- taehyung said with firing eyes set on the maid rolling his eyes but his eyes softened seeing the petite figure on his laps who was now sleeping peacefully on his chest

"Guess he was too interested to know about the big surprise"

- taehyung said and pecked kookie's head,

"Love you baby"

- and like that he carried kookie gently and headed back to their room,

- all the servants were now finally breathing normally

"God! Now I feel alive"

"I literally imagined my death today"

"Right homie if he had been here even 1 sec more I would die from panic attack"

"His joy, and our life's messed up"

- all these talks were from servants as they touched their death and came back, everybody knows when their master's mood is messed their life worth nothing to him more than a peice of paper that he can set on fire just by his tongue,

Kindly, blueieh

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