chapter thirteen

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"We need to start upping our game with the pranks, we've been going easy on Zion," Alice says, putting her lollipop back in her mouth and leafing through the magazine.

"Oh Yeah? What do you have in that brilliant brain of yours today?" Alani says while she types up her English Essay on her laptop. I look up from my textbook and sigh.

"Alice, don't you think the pranks are getting old? I mean we've already tortured my brother enough, and when he finds out it was us behind all those pranks he's going to be even more furious with me, I already have enough to deal with." I say trying to get her to sympathise with me.

Alice raises an eyebrow at you, her lollipop dangling from the corner of her mouth. "Come on, Bella, where's your sense of adventure? Pranks are a way to get back at him, and Zion's reactions are priceless! You're too uptight sometimes you got to let loose."

Alani looks up from her laptop, giving Alice a sceptical glance. "I don't know, Bella has a point. We don't want things to escalate too much. We should keep it light and not risk causing any real trouble."

I nod in agreement, grateful for Alani's support. "Exactly, Alice. You can have fun without going overboard. Focus on pranks that are more creative and less likely to cause any lasting damage or make Zion literally commit a murder."

Alice smirks, tapping her magazine. "Fine, fine. We can keep it light for now, But it has to be memorable. Something that'll leave him scratching his head for days."

As the three of us brainstorm, I try to steer the prank ideas towards harmless yet amusing territory, hoping to strike a balance between fun.

"I got an idea!" Alice says abruptly as if a light bulb just went off in her head, "I'll be right back before school is over!" she stands up quickly and grabs her stuff in a rush, "What about class!" Alani shouts as she leaves the cafeteria, "Free period!" She shouts back and waves at us before she disappears behind the doors.

"Whatever she's planning, it's not going to be good." I groan and place my forehead on my textbook. "It can't be that bad! don't worry, By the way, how was the party with Lauri?!" she smiles. I look up at her and frown. "I didn't go, I buckled." I groan again.

"I felt bad since me and Lauri didn't get to do much, but he understood why I tapped out. I promised to visit him during our break, to make up for it." I lay my chin on my arms.

"It's okay bells, he's a good friend you know!" She sends me a sympathetic smile and places her hand on my arm, I smile back. "How's everything with your cousin's wedding? I still haven't seen your dress, Did you buy one?" She asks and I sit up properly.

"Oh yeah! I did buy one but I forgot to send it to the group chat, but I'm kind of second-guessing!" I take out my phone and pull up the photo of me in the dress, she squeals in excitement.

"Bella that dress was made for you! you look stunning!" She says excitedly, "I still haven't bought a dress, I was planning to go shopping today with Rome." I smile and she gets back to her Essay.

"R-Rome?" I ask her curiously, "Our parents were going for dinner and I decided to invite him to hang out with me in the meantime." she shrugs and types on her laptop.

I press my lips into a thin line and shake away my thoughts, after a while of doing work the bell rings for the last period and me and Alani make our way out of the cafeteria.

We walk down the crowded hallway and to our lockers, I spot my brother by his locker, which is located right next to mine.

Alain watches me as

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