" You're wrong about him," said Sam. " His Dark Prince is gone now, he's not a threat."

" If that's true, then how are you alive?" asked Naomi. Sam said nothing.

"That's what I thought," said Naomi. " Now sit still while I bleed you dry."

Sam flinched as Naomi's knife sliced into his skin. She stopped instantly, stepping back to look at Sam curiously.

" I don't understand," said Naomi. "Why aren't you bleeding?" Naomi's eyes went wide. " So, he really is gone then, huh?"

" I told you," said Sam.

" Yet you're still alive," said Naomi. " How very interesting. Well, I may not be able to drain you of your blood, but that doesn't mean I still can't have a little fun with you. After all, you left me for dead a few months back, so this is gonna be painful." Sam screamed in agony as Noami began cutting him slowly.

Colby was discreetly filling up his car with gas. He had grown extremely jumpy, but he needed to keep his guard up. He couldn't even tell the difference between a human and a demon at this point. Anyone could try and kill him at any moment.

Once Colby was finished he quickly slid into the driver's seat of his car. He was about to start it when he suddenly felt a piercing ache down his face and on several parts of his body. It felt like he was being sliced by a thousand paper cuts. Colby's head shot up as the pain continued. He knew what was happening. It was Sam. Something or someone was hurting him.

Sam was panting and wincing heavily as Naomi stepped away from him, smiling proudly at the work she had done.

" Enjoying yourself?" Sam winced.

"Very much," said Naomi.

She then set the knife down on the table and grabbed a hammer next. She hit it gently on her hand as she looked evilly at Sam. Naomi prepared to bring the hammer down on Sam, when suddenly the classroom door busted open. Several cops barged in.

" Drop the weapon and hands behind your head now!" shouted one of the officers.

Naomi was shocked but she obliged. Sam was released and followed behind the officers as they led Naomi out in handcuffs. He watched as they shoved her into the back of a police car.

" You alright, son?" asked one of the officers.

" Yea, I'm okay," replied Sam. " But how did you find me?"

" Anonymous tip," said the officer. " Can we give you a lift somewhere?"

Sam didn't answer the officer. He looked into the woods surrounding them, he could've sworn he had seen something moving. Figuring it was just his eyes playing tricks on him, he turned back to the officer.

" Uh, yeah, thanks," said Sam, as he followed the officer to his car.

From deep in the woods, Colby stood out of sight, hidden behind the trees, watching Sam as he slid into the back seat of the police car. Colby was glad he was safe. Once the cops had cleared out, Colby made his way back down the street where he had hidden his car.

Colby had arrived back at the motel late and quietly slipped into his room. He had turned his back for only a second to lock the door, when the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. Before he could even turn around, and a hand flew over his mouth, muffling his screams as he was pulled into the room. Colby panicked and struggled in the person's grip.

" Colby, dude relax, it's me," said Sam. He then let Colby go.

" Sam?? What the fuck?" said Colby. "How did you find me?"

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