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THE FIRST STOP THE HUMMINGBIRD MADE WAS dropping off Tolya near the cliffside to stop an ambush by Krigian's Grisha

Then, it was to drop off Jesper, Wylan, Kaz, and Kasper on a relatively fold free patch of the fort in Zvedya where they saw (as they flew over the fort) a few soldiers trying to fight off Kirigan's Grisha.

Before Kasper disembarked the Hummingbird, he sent one last longing look towards where he knew Lanying was standing by the railing near the sails. He too knew what his two worlds were, but he was too scared to let anyone else in. As he stared at Lanying, maybe for the first time, he noticed how pale she was and there was a certain hollowness to her that he couldn't understand. Kasper sighed and jumped over the railing of the Hummingbird. He'd talk to Lanying later. Right now, Ravka needed saving.

As soon as Kasper, the last one to disembark, Zoya gathered the wind once more and filled the sails to travel into the fort itself where they could hear distant sounds of fighting and where Alina would be.

Once they located Alina, who was currently being held by one of the Nichevo'ya, Zoya maneuvered the little craft close to ground level so Inej could drop down and take care of the Shadow Monster and save Alina.

Inej dropped down and approached the Shadow Monster, unsheathed the sword, and it swished easily through the shadows with a brilliant golden glow. Indeed a "Blade so sharp it could cut through shadow".

"Inej, is that really you?" Alina called out in disbelief

Inej sank down to one knee, her head bowed in respect. "Sankta Alina."

"Please, there's no need for such courtesies. Not amongst friends." Alina hurriedly said and pulled Inej into a hug. . "I can't believe you're here risking your life for me again."

"Someone had to find this." Inej said as she sheathed the sword and tried to hand it to Alina.

Alina refused the sword, claiming, "No one can wield it like you."

Zoya, who was manning the Hummingbird, had enough of the sentimentalities and said a b it sarcastically, "Yes, yes. Happy reunion. Can we get on with it?"

"Zoya, thank you. If you'd been a moment later, we... " Alina thanked Zoya as she thought about what would've happened if Zoya had been a tad bit late but she was cut off when Nina Zenik appeared over the railing.

"Oh, hello." Nina said as a way of greeting

"You know I'm not one to resist dramatic timing." Zoya replied as she allowed a hint of mirth to show in her response of Alina.

Alina addressed Nina Zenik now. "I remember you. You were on the ship to Ketterdam."

"Nina Zenik. Heartrender. Big fan."

Just then, Lanying appeared beside Nina and Alina's eyes widened in shock. "You you're that Corporalki that..."

Lanying waved her hand impatiently through the air, "Yes, yes. To put it indelicately, dolled you up for Kirigian's great lightshow." Then she turned serious. "Please, can we just destroy the fold?"

That seemed to snap Alina back to what was important as she agreed and said, "We need to get further into the Fold to destroy it."

"Hop on then." Zoya said and Alina moved to get on the Hummingbird, but Mal stopped her and she looked back at him.

"Wait. We don't have David."

"We have each other and that's everything we need." Alina looked at Mal sincerely and asked, "You with me?"

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