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The four crows stood near one another as they observed the events of the Winter Fete. It was Inej who spoke first. 

"And the lynx flush was to smoke out Arken." Inej said

"Like I said, our futures depend on this." Kaz asserted

"We saw two identical dresses in the fitting room." Kasper revealed

"The target is wearing one, and an Inferni about the same height and build was measured for the other. They need the target for the demonstration, but at the reception, that's when they'll deploy a double for security reasons." Kaz finished

"So, we set Arken after the double while we stay on the target." Kasper said without any sort of empathy in his voice

"Arken will get caught." Inej stated

"He chose his fate in Novokribirsk when he met with Zlatan." Kasper retorted

"What if you're wrong?" Pressed Inej. "What if we sandbagged him with a lynx flush, and the meeting had nothing to do with this?"

"The only two men in the world who profit off the Fold? Doubtful." Kaz replied

"Now." Kasper whispered and the three made their way to Alina who was a few feet into front of them.

"Miss Starkov! We are to escort you to dinner. Could you come with us, please?" Kaz said keeping up a pretence as a helpful little palace guard.

"I thought, um..." Alina said as she looked around. Then seeing no one, she conceded. "Actually, I am quite hungry."

The three crows started to escort Alina away from the scene, but didn't get far until the Black General showed up.

"Thank you. I'll take her from here." said he, the Black General

Kaz, Kasper and Inej looked on. Mentally, Kasper was cursing the whole plan. It had been so perfect up until this moment. The crows stood awkwardly

"For you." The Black General said handing Alina a bouquet of purple irises.

Kaz turned to Inej and Kasper, "All right. Plan B."

Then upon seeing an angry looking Inferni striding towards them, Kasper hurriedly said, "Scratch that. Plan F."

Kaz said simply, "Stay on the target and meet me at the escape route."

"He's an Inferni. Don't take chances." Inej warned and the three crows split up.

Escaping the little palace was no easy feat. Kasper would admit to that. When their plan had been disrupted by the black general himself coming to escort Alina away, they all split up. The Inferni went after Kaz, Inej melted back into the shadows, and Kasper quietly stole away through the crowds intending on making it towards the escape route. He took his escape route that had been outlined that afternoon for him to get out. Unfortunately for him, his path was blocked by a squaller.

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked

"Out. I need some fresh air." Kasper replied

"You should be back at the party...unless..."The squaller trailed off. Then, before he could come to any conclusions, an inferni came out of a door and latched onto Kasper, "Dimitri, there you are. Come, this way." and pulled Kasper away from the squaller, shouting a "not to worry, he's with me!" over her shoulder.

Once they were out of sight of the squaller, and Kasper had been squirming to try and get out of the inferni's hold, she hissed, "Stop that. We have a mutal friend who wants to see you safely out." Kasper nodded. He tried not to squirm but he hated the feeling of the inferni's arm around his. He could feel the rising cold waters. As they walked, the inferni started to talk.

"I'll escort you to the door that leads out into the courtyard. I assume you know what to do from there."

"Yes." Kasper rasped

"Good...Good. Our friend sends her regards and says she shall be with you shortly. Just trust her."

Kasper's eyes widened, this was a friend of Lanying's wasn't it. The inferni, seeing his expression change, "yes, the healer. She's currently stuck in a bit of a situation involving a fellow corporalnik and can't really escape."

A few moments later, they reached a door and the inferni unlatched herself from Kasper and opened the door. "Thats the courtyard. You'll be safe now. Go on."

"Thank you." Kasper said hoarsely.

"Oh, I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for my best friend." the Inferni smirked. "Now go."

Kasper nodded and walked out the door. He had been early to the rendevous point and so far, only Jesper was in sight and he was smiling.

"What is is Jesper?" Kasper asked

Jesper turned to see Kasper, "Saints, Kasper. You look..."

"Terrible, yes. I know." Kasper cut Jesper off

"Well, you see... I may have gotten the target..." Jesper trailed off as Kaz and Inej approached

"What happened? You okay?" Kasper asked, worried for his brother

"She's real, Jesper. She made the light sing." Inej said dreamily.

"We lost her." Kaz said angrily

"Did we?" Jesper teased

"We don't know where she is." kaz retorted

"Don't we?" Jesper said with a laugh. "Just ask."

"Jesper..." Kaz impatiently said tired of the sharpshooter's games

"Just ask." Jesper insisted

"Fine. Do we have a fix on where the target is?" Kaz asked annoyed.

Jesper looks at the trunk on the back of the carriage and grins. The three crows hop onto the carriage. with Jesper on the reins and Kaz sitting beside him. Kasper and Inej took up the back behind the seat. As they were about to leave, Inej asked, "Hold up, where's Lanying? We cant leave her behind."

"She's still inside." Kasper revealed

"So we wait." Inej replied

"No, we leave. While we still can." Kasper said


"Jesper, Go." Kasper said and Jesper nodded and flicked the reins. the horses trotted out of the courtyard.

"How could you?" Inej demanded

"She'll be fine." Kasper said and the rest of the ride was silent until they got to Ryevost.

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