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It was a rainy night in Ketterdam, with the occasion peal of thunder. Outside, it was cold and dreary but inside the Crow Club, it was quite the opposite. It was loud, filled with gamblers cheering at their winnings or drowning their sorrows in more bets and spirits than they could pay off.

Lanying, was wearing her usual outfit. A long grey skirt over a long sleeved red shirt and black heels, walked around bringing drinks to the gamblers at the tables. A tray filled with drinks was balanced steadily on her left hand.

Honestly, could Kaz or Kasper have given her a better job? Being constantly hit on by the "pigeons" was not an ideal evening in her books. But alas, she did pledge to be a part of the crows a year ago. If this was the price, she'd take it happily over the menagerie. Of course, she knew if things got out of hand with the "pigeons" the bouncers, as per the request of Kasper would take care of the person in question and throw them onto the streets.

"Yes! I love it!" A gambler called out as he won another hand. Then seeing Lanying, said, "Darling, please. Drinks here. Drinks all round here, please."

Wordlessly, Lanying acknowledged the request and continued to walk towards the table that her drinks were meant for. Faintly, she heard the man say, "Hey, you take Zemeni coin, yes?" and tossed a bag to the dealer in charge of his table.

"Let me see that." Jesper's voice rang and a coin was tossed to him.

"The Lucky Nine casino up the block has had trouble with counterfeit coin lately. Heavy, but brittle." Jesper explained.

Jesper had a particular way of telling if a Zemeni coin was fake. It involved a gun and more often than not it got him into trouble.

"Oh, come on, now. I've been here for hours." The man said a nervous edge to his voice. "My money is good, no?" Lanying picked up the quickening beats of the man's heart.  As Lanying passed Jesper, she tapped the table twice and continued on her way to the bar. To Jesper, the meaning was clear. The man is lying. To the man, or anyone listening it seemed like a simple knock. For what, they were unsure.

"Zemeni coin can take a bullet. But the knockoff..." Jesper said as he winked and threw the coin up into the air. Pulling out his gun, shooting the coin as it spun through the air. Putting a clean circle through the coin, leaving it smoking as it dropped onto the table.

"Busted." Jesper said as he swung his gun before putting it back into his holster.

Kaz was surely going to come for him now. There was also no need for the drinks since, the man had been exposed for counterfeit money.

Lanying, standing beside the bar counter, turned around to watch the proceedings play out. Since, the man had been caught in a lie, he was now going to be thrown out of the Crow Club. Probably with a warning to never show up here again. 

"What does that prove?" The man said angrily eager to cover up for his falsehood. "Hey! Wait! What are you doing? Get off me!" He yelled as two bouncers came and dragged him out of his seat. The man struggling to get out of the bouncer's grips.

As Jesper grinned and moved to scoop up the Kruge on the table, a cane slammed down hard onto the table. Jesper narrowly avoided getting his fingers broken. It was Kaz. He had a disapproving glint in his eyes, "No loud noises at the table, Jesper. You'll scare off the pigeons." Further behind him, with his arms crossed was Kasper who was giving Jesper an equally disproving glare.

"Wouldn't want that, boss." Jesper said nervously

"Shouldn't you be on the door?" Kasper asked from behind Kaz

"Yeah, right away, boss." Jesper agreed hastily and Kaz swung his cane to his other hand walking off through the Crow Club, Kasper on his heels.

Lanying shrugged. It served the liar right. He never should has used counterfeit coin.

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