Extras: Netflix Interviews

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*Insipred by the Shadow and Bone Cast reacting to fan tweets* 

A/N: Also, Skandar Keynes, The face claim for Kasper Brekker has long since departed from the world of acting. He left in 2010, having went on to pursue politics. But I, as the author really felt that he was what I'd imagine Kasper to look like and so, kind of an AU chapter where he is still an actor and doing interviews as part of the Crows. 

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Skandar and Natasha sat in chairs beside one another. Both were dressed in their character's outfits from the show and each held a stack of cards that held tweets about their characters. 

The camera stared rolling and Natasha waved at the camera, "Hello! I'm Natasha." She pointed at Skandar who sat beside her. He waved,

"I'm Skandar." 

"Today, we'll be reacting to your fan tweets!" Natasha said and looked at her first card. @thecrowsanalysis:
"Kaz is the schemer, Kasper is the planner, Jesper is the decoy, Inej is the scout , Lanying is the wingman, and Milo is the emotional support."

Skandar grinned, "They're on point and are all so accurate. Especially the part about Milo." and brought his first card up.
Is it just me or is 1) Kasper the sassiest out of the whole bunch of crows and 2) is Kaslan not the sweetest ship ever?" 

Natasha laughed "Aww. Thanks! We're pretty fond of Kaslan too. And yes, Kasper is the sassiest of the crows. He's always got some witty comeback line." Natasha wrapped her arms around Skandar and true to Kasper's character he shrugged off Natasha's hug. 

Natasha looked at her next card and a grin broke out on her face. "Oh this one is good." @A_Kaslan_Shipper
Lanying: I love the colour green
Kasper: buys her green things
Lanying: Did you steal these?
Kasper: I think I won't even answer that. 

Natasha turned to Skandar, "I think we can admit that Kasper probably would steal it. Or pay for it with money that came from a stolen mercher's wallet." 

Skandar raised an eye brow, "I'm offended." Then he lifted up his card 
If Pekka Rollins ever walks into the room, and threatens Kasper or his girl, Lanying, I'm most  definitely thinking, "Brekker by Brekker, I will destroy you, Pekka Rollins!" No one. I repeat, NO ONE is hurting my babies. 

Natasha said as she brought up her card. 
Imagine being in a cast with Ben Barnes and becoming BFFs. #wishicould

"Yeah, Ben is really cool. It's been an absolute treat working on set with him." Skandar revealed 

"I've definitely learned a lot about acting from Ben when we were on set. I think we can all agree he brought the Darkling to life." Natasha agreed

"A little too well." Skandar added and the two shared a smile 

Skandar read his card 
Lowkey crying as we didn't get enough Kaslan moments this season. #notenoughkaslantime

Natasha laughed, "Skandar makes it so easy for the chemistry between Kaslan to develop and feel natural. I think we actually improvised the meeting scene between Kasper and Lanying in episode 6." 

"We did improvise that scene as the crew didn't know what to write! But it's only because Natasha is so easy to work with." Skandar replied. He turned to Natasha, "Do you know how many times I've broken out of character and laughed because of you?" 

"It's not my fault that you're not as serious as Kasper. Like you cannot hold a straight face." Natasha chuckled 

✺✳ ┅  THE END ┅ ✳✺  

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