"We took those loans for the people under our care," Rohail Malik replied cleverly. According to him, it was easy to avoid paying off loans by twisting council rules.

"Yeah, the condition of this school shows exactly how much you care about your people, Malik," Murtasim scoffed.

"He just wants revenge, Hassan Sahab,' Rohail stated, looking dead into Murtasim's eyes.

"If I wanted revenge, your Havelis would already be on sale, and you would be homeless instead of receiving collection notices." ice crept into Murtasim's voice. He was enjoying this cat-and-mouse chase. "This is pure business. You pay your debt. You keep your house. Plain and simple."

"How about an extension, Murtasim? They have families, think about them?" Sajid Abbas, sitting next to him, reasoned. The Khan had saved his legacy, and it was his duty now to ensure that he did not make rash decisions overcome by emotions. The politics of feudal families was as intricate as the weaving of Persian rugs. This game was about rules, not justice.

"They should have considered their families before dwindling off their legacy due to their vices. But instead of acting like real men and taking responsibility, they are sitting here playing victim," Murtasim countered. He sighed when Junaid hand found his shoulder, indicating him to settle, "Fine, Abbas Sahab, I will give them a three-month extension in exchange for this school and a school on the Shah lands," Murtasim put forward his condition.

Both Zubair and Rohail picked their poison and agreed to Murtasim's terms. The council adjourned, and they all made their way to their vehicles. Murtasim opened his car door when a hand on his shoulder stopped him. "How is Meerab doing, Murtasim? How does she feel about working at the hospital named after her husband's ex-girlfriend?" Murtasim turned around to see Roahil Malik standing with a sneer. With a swift motion, Murtasim's fist collided with Roahail's outstretched arm on his shoulder. A resounding crack echoed through the air as Rohail's bone cracked. A groan of pain escaped him as Rohail crumpled to the ground in pain. But before he could hit the ground, Murtasim grabbed him by his chin and hauled him up as Rohail cried out in pain, "Don't let the calm, cool exterior of businessman fool you, Malik. I am still that Murtasim who left you all half-dead seven years ago," Murtasim reminded quietly, his eyes breathing fire, "I don't hide behind women and children like you do. So, from now on, every time you take my wife's name, I will break a bone in your body," Murtasim promised as he let go of Rohail's chin, who instantly collapsed on the ground, got into his car and drove home his world, his wife.

Meerab had been prepping for her medical camp all morning. She wanted to make things as easy on Murtasim while she was away. She wanted to discuss something vital with him but lost courage when he scowled at her packed luggage this morning. Meerab secretly hoped that he would go to Karachi for two weeks. He sighed in relief when he found out that this time, it was not a remote village but a small city of Mithi where they were holding a camp. Medical students and many senior doctors and surgeons were going because that city had the only hospital within a 200-mile radius. Humaira Hospital and Surgical Centre organized a free medical camp to help the citizens. The word was that they were being sent with a lot of security as they were expecting a massive turnout of patients. Meerab had seen the surgical schedule, and it had made her heart dance in joy, and her feet cry in pain.

Meerab had also noticed the change in Murtasim's demeanour during the public interactions at the wedding functions. He stilled every time someone mentioned the hier to the gaddi or complimented how beautiful his begum was. He had accepted them as his people and his role as their Khan, but his back went up whenever there was a personal inquiry about her, their marriage or the twins. He was accepting of people, but specific comments would set his jaw on edge. However, during the Walima celebration, amidst the continuous accolades for her beauty and kindness, with many expressing their gratitude for having her as their Khani, Khan Sahab approached her amid the gathering. He pulled out a bundle of cash, performed a warna over her for sadqa, and handed it to the dancers.

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