Chapter 751 - Chapter 760

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Chapter 751 - Never to Regret

"His mother's death was the straw that broke the camel's back. He went mad and planned to kill his father no matter what!

"Obviously, his assassination failed. Also, his father was inhuman enough as to beat him to 'death' brutally and even threw his body into the random stinky gutters of Capital Nest!

"However, it was not Bai Wuxin's doom yet. Three days later, he woke up in the gutter and survived stubbornly!

"In the years that followed, Bai Wuxin lived in the darkness of the bottom level of Capital Nest and was constantly polished by the cruel rules of Spider Den. While his capability soared, his talents were awakened, and his brain developed an extremely high computational ability, and he could keep clam at any time.

"By accident, he joined a pirate gang.

"Bai Wuxin did not mean to become a space pirate. Never for one moment had he forgotten his mother's teachings. Also, he hated all the space pirates and was desperate to seek revenge from his father!

"He was merely taking the opportunity to leave Spider Den.

"He made it.

"The pirate gang he joined was engaged with an enemy in space and battered before they started their hunting job.

"Bai Wuxin found a chance to steal an escape capsule and left the pirate gang. He was saved by a fleet of carriers in the end.

"From then on, Bai Wuxin used a different name and buried his past deeply. He travelled in the universe and worked in multiple organizations and Exo Societies, until he met the Great Horn Exo Society and a wounded, sloppy man one day.

"The two of them both loathed the space pirates. So, they became best friends and teamed up to slay the space pirates."

Bai Kaixin was silent for a long time when he got to this part. In the end, he took a long breath and bit his pale lips hard, before he gnashed his teeth, his voice shivering. "However, no matter how many space pirates he killed, Bai Wuxin never had enough capability to challenge his father, because his father was... Bai Xinghe, the Pirate Potentate!"

Bai Kaixin finished his story and looked at Lei Dalu, his eyes red.

Lei Dalu scratched his hair hard, his dandruff flying crazily like snowflakes.

Pondering for a long time, Lei Dalu rubbed his cheek as if he had a toothache, before he said, "Old Bai, think on the bright side. Nobody gets to choose their parents. Besides, it might not be as bad as you think..."

"Not as bad as I think?" Bai Kaixin finally burst into fury. Tears all over his face, he roared, "Bai Xinghe is my father. Tell me, how can it be any worse?"

Lei Dalu blinked slowly and then replied delightedly, "For example, Bai Xinghe being your father is better than Fengyu Zhong being your father, isn't it?"

Bai Kaixin was dumbfounded.

His facial expression suggested that he was going to either spit right in his best friend's face or lunge forward and bite him hard.

Lei Dalu chuckled and said, "If so, why did you sneak into Spider Den? Right now, Bai Xinghe is at total war with the Temple of Immortals. He is definitely no match for the Immortal Cultivators. Since you hate his guts, isn't his death what you desire most?"

Bai Kaixin's countenance suddenly changed. Intense confusion appeared on his face, as he mumbled, "Because when Bai Wuxin grew older and even cracked one of the jade chips left by his mother, he found that there were a lot of suspicious points about the whole event. Everything he believed in was probably false!"

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