I don't want to stop talking to you either

"And just to clear things up, no — I don't think you're a promiscuous woman or whatever weird ass shit that dickhead got you thinking about in that pretty little head of yours...I just felt like you needed a good cum—"

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Well you're not wrong—I just got worried shit would get weird between us"

"I know I'm not wrong, and no— not for me " Mondo stated

"I just could really tell you had some pressure built up and—"

"OH KAYY. That's enough" I cut him off not wanting to hear the rest

"Sorry bambina"

"—So, we're good?"

"Yea we straight " I playfully pushed his shoulder

"Don't get to acting different on me" He poked my side childishly

"Ok Mondo. Don't try to eat my pussy again—friend" Even though he couldn't see my face I knew he caught the playful tone in my voice.

I made my way to the bathroom to clean my juices.

I was serious though, Mondo flirting with me even if it's just the smallest things makes me flutter. I'm hoping he can be the mature one to keep it together cause god knows if he asked again I probably wouldn't turn it down.

Who would've thought Mr.Valentini had a magical mouth.

In all seriousness I respect him for understanding where my head was at . I mean let's be honest the last thing I should be doing is fucking him or sitting on his face after I made it clear that I wasn't ready for that.

I contradicted myself by allowing the freak bitch in me go that far

"See there you go, we were supposed to be pretending that didn't happen" Mondo yelled from the bedroom making me laugh.

"You're absolutely correct, my fault."

I wiped myself off then changed into a pair of biker shorts and a sports bra before walking back to the bed and sitting down. I noticed that mondo was still sat up but this time with his head down.

That would be a hard album cover.

"Asia I can go if you don't want me here right now—back downstairs I mean."  He corrects himself

"I'd actually prefer it you to stay, unless you want to go then it's okay—I'll be fine up here. "

"Okay" He says before laying on his back and bringing the blanket back up to him. I followed his actions and got comfortable on my side of the queen sized bed.

I'm not sure if I should cuddle him so I settled on not.

"hey mondo" I whispered

"Yea bambina"

"Thank you again...for, you know.."

"You don't have to thank me Asia. I—I care about you"

"—I could tell you were going through something from the moment we became friends. I just didn't want to push you away by asking about something you weren't ready to talk about"

" I could just hear the panic in your voice when we were FaceTiming—I just couldn't sit back."

"Well, I'm just grateful you were there, I'd probably look ten times worse right now if it wasn't for you."

"How did you even know where I lived by the way...I was wondering how you even found me!"

"Fuck, that's what I was supposed to tell you—I looked on Snapchat. It was a long shot at first but your location is on"

What the hell ?

I reached for my phone under the pillow and unlocked it going straight to the Snapchat app and scrolling up

I could've sworn I turned that off

I slid down on the screen to reveal that my location was in fact turned on

"Anyone who follows you can see wherever your at bambina that's wildly dangerous.."

"I didn't even realize"

Maybe that's how Chris knew where I was that night at the strip club...

I turned off my location and blocked him on all my social media accounts.

"Why the fuck do they even have that? That's crazy invasive" I complained

"Luckily it was there though, otherwise i would've had to call the police" He said in disgust

"I'm surprised that wasn't your first move honestly" I laughed a little teasing him

"Hell Nah" He laughed

"I didn't like how he was talking to you, I wanted to fuck him up" Mondo admitted

I— Not white boy didn't want to involve the Feds

"Understandable" I said with a smile then felt my heart race a little was he moved closer to me.

He just can't stay away.

I wanted to giggle.

"Is it okay if I hold you Asia?" His voice was different now, low and calm.

"Y-Yea" I turned my body more to the left facing him

"It's funny, I was going to ask you that a minute ago but I wondered if that would be crossing the line or not" making us both laugh a little.

"Welp too bad you should've said it first—I win. " He shrugs his shoulders.

I shook my head at his comment then felt his hand slide up my thigh and make its way to my back.

"You can ask me any questions you want bambina, you don't have to hesitate" His sleepy voice broke through the silence, his accent laced in his words as he rubbed my back ever so slowly with his thumb.

Mondo makes me feel like I'm on a rollercoaster— you know when your all the way at the top of the ride, right when the big drop happens and you start falling down  two hundred feet.

That free feeling in my stomach that I get, that's how he makes me feel.

Girl, be calm.

"Okay" I whisper back softly

His arm wrapped around me fully and his other moved above my head. My legs automatically wrapped into  his and my heart felt at ease.

I felt safe and warm as I lay here tangled in with him .

"Goodnight principessa"

"Goodnight Mondo"

I closed my eyes and smiled to myself, maybe that release was exactly what I needed cause right now I don't have a care in the world.

My fucking eye still hurts though.

Flashbacks of Mondo saving me danced in my head along with his sweet reassuring words. I loved that he felt the same way about not wanting the head to ruin our new found friendship or make things awkward.

He makes me feel like I'd known him forever. Talking to him just came so easy. He was refreshing.

Before I knew it, sleep took over and Mondo's embrace soothed my soul.

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