21 december 2023

705 3 3

Written; 22/12/2023


HI Y'ALL, sorry for the late updates!! I'll try be more active again, was a bit busy the past few days

Anyway, my weight was 98,1 kg when I checked that morning! My current goal is to be 100 kg before Christmas, don't have much time left but we'll see what happens
I also applied for a job like I mentioned in my last update, the money that I'll be earning I'll mostly spend on food and to meet up with my boyfriend (who introduced me to this fetish and who I participate in the fetish with), huge chance I'll get the job luckily so pretty excited about that

Physically my belly has been getting way fatter and is more bloated during the day, including my arms, thighs, tits and ass (thank the lord)
Skin is still not doing too well because of all the chocolate I've been eating.
I tried 2 skirts on as well the day before that which both don't fit like they used to (not even 2 months ago)
Skirt 1 I can't even close, my belly has gotten too big for it and will just hang out of it
Skirt 2 can be closed with a lot of effort but the fat of my belly still spills out..
Also my boyfriend pointed out that in the videos of me trying those skirts on I had a harder time breathing, probably as it was too much physical activity for my body to handle I guess....

The only activity I had that day was walking to the hair salon and back which was like 15 minutes (just had to get my bangs cut since they were getting too long) and going to the shops for food, layed in my bed for the remainder of the day.
Didn't get any comments either

For breakfast I had chocolate milk and yogurt, for lunch I had 3 sandwiches with peanut butter and I had 2 packs of noodles right after
Snacks once again existed mostly out of chocolates and chips
Dinner was some type of spicy chicken with rice, pretty good but not necessarily the best for weight gain
Later that evening I had 8 donuts, originally had bought 16 but I couldn't finish it.. My belly was too full to continue so instead I decided to save the ones that were leftover for the next day to finish

Routine was the usual, rubbing my belly in vitamin c oil, daily tasks, removing make-up (you get it) and then getting into bed again

That was it!!


If there's anymore specific type of information you'd like me to include in these updates feel free to share, since I want to be adding more details to my upcoming updatesss
Might start posting pictures as well but not too sure yet, I'll let you all know whether I'm gonna start doing it or not soon!!


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