10 december 2023

615 1 0

Written; 10/12/2023


Woke up checked my weight as per usuaaaal, 90,8 kg, not much of a difference but that's fine!!
I got more money today so I'll probably order food tomorrow

I woke up pretty bloated with my belly being softer and having a chubbier feeling than before, my face seems to be gaining at least a bit of fat as well rather than just my belly and arms
Clothing wise I did wear a shapewear clothing piece underneath my outfit because family would be coming over and they're the only ones I don't want to notice my weight gain (yet)..
It does fit tighter than the last time I wore it which was in October, 2 months ago, and I couldn't pull it up much because of my belly being too big
I'm waiting for my new clothes to arrive which are crop tops and new lingerie bc my current ones finally have gotten too small, but yes pretty excited for that, next time I'll be ordering ones in a smaller size bc why not?!?!

For physical activities I didn't do much, I was in bed until 12 pm and then just sat in my room till 1 pm, took a shower after did my make up blablabla you get it, was with my family for the rest of the afternoon, didn't do much.
The only comment I got was from my brother who called me fat and heavy as fuck while he was trying to shove me from my chair..........

For breakfast I didn't eat anything because I woke up late, in the afternoon I ate some snacks along with my family, I got a shit ton of noodles from one of them, no idea why but I ate 2 packs
I didn't eat much besides that except for one chocolate bar
For dinner I will be having pizza, for dessert one ice cream and that's all
Didn't eat a lot I know, I'm slowing it down rn, I'm not sure how much longer I can continue anymore as I need to make sure I am able to live by myself still and not struggle too much with my health weight etc. (So not slowing it down bc I want to basically)
BUT FOR NOW IT'S OK, I'll make up for it either tonight or tomorrow
I'm updating this early as I'll try not to be on my phone tonight!!
Will also try eating at least one chocolate spread jar tonight but we'll see how that goes

Shall do my daily night routine before that consisting out of skin care, oil for my belly and yeah might actually read a book for once..



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