18 december 2023

593 1 4

Written; 19/12/2023


HII, late post I know, and before I forget to say this, I might start posting progress pictures in this diaryfndjfbf
I'm not sure yet and maybe no one is interested in it, I guess we'll see how it goes

ANYWAY, my weight this morning was 96,3 kg, I've had some trouble gaining weight recently meaning I'll probably need to start eating more..
But no worries, I'm looking for a job that pays me enough to afford more food

Physically I've noticed that my skin is breaking out a bit because of the amount of chocolate I've been eating, and my belly is getting really big and round, it spills almost out of all my shirts and tank tops now and all my trousers fit tight
Been way more exhausted also and too lazy to get out of bed until I actually need to (for food, shower, etc.)
Also more stretchmarks on my belly, my waist and hips!!

Activity wasn't much, I didn't go out and sat and laid down all day
Haven't received any comments from anyone either

For breakfast I didn't have anything as I was asleep, for lunch I had 2 packs of noodles, yogurt and 4 sandwiches with some type of cream cheese and salmon
Snacks weren't thaaaat much, just had 2 chocolate bars and a pack of chips
For dinner I had a small salad and chicken with bacon and brie, cheese (whatever it's called...)
And for dessert I had an ice cream and 1 peanut butter jar!!

Routine as per usual existed out of me rubbing my belly in vitamin c oil (which this time actually was so nice omg my belly has gotten so soft), removing make up and laying in bed like rn until I fall asleep, I might try to eat something else in a minute

But yes that's all!!



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