17 december 2023

620 1 0

Written; 17/12/2023


HII, sorry been a bit, but I'm back!!

I hit 95 kg recently and am now 96 kg, and just to be sure that I don't get any baaad health related issues I might take some breaks here and there, I'll try to write that down as soon as possible though!!!

Physically wise I haven't seen much of a difference, I have seen changes in my clothes though as I almost can't fit in my high waisted jeans anymore.. Can close it up but it's really tight and leaves mark on my belly, appetite is still growing and have been trying to eat more but sometimes it's just not enough sadly. My skin is actually pretty okay at the moment even after all that chocolate but oh well

Activity wise I didn't do thaaaaaat much today, I went out to the grocery store for some food like pizza and to get some make-up, nothing else really, just sat at home all day.. I didn't get any comments or glances while going out either. My clothes also finally arrived, I got a tanktop, a bikini top (which I'm not wearing to go swimming, just in general) and a belt. The tops are bit tight and the bikini top doesn't cover much of my chest.. I got another top yesterday as well which is even smaller and my boobs are literally spilling out at the bottoms and sides

For breakfast I didn't eat anything as I was asleep, lunch were 2 sandwiches and a pack of noodles, for snacks I had around 7-10 chocolates bc I was craving it and a donut, for dinner I had pizza but it wasn't that much. I don't think I'll be eating much more today, maybe a chocolate spread jar? I haven't been feeling so motivated lately but I'll try

And as to my last update, I think I'll be stopping once I hit 100 kg unless life goes differently and I have the resources and all to do this by myself!! I do enjoy this stuff so we'll see how it goes!!!!!!

My routine before going to bed will today exist out of removing make-up watching some tv and maybe eat something (including the normal basic daily tasks ykyk like showering, etc.)


Edit; apparently I spelled December as decemeber in the title before..

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