"Fine," he started, "I'll be the King." He snatched the tiara from Okinawa and slammed it onto his head. "I look like some freaking femboy." He muttered out of Okinawa's earshot.

"Now we can play!" Okinawa brought out her stuffed animals, which filled the gap between her and North Korea. She pushed a small stuffed bunny to North Korea, who plastered on a smile.

"Who is this?" He asked, pointing to the bunny.

"That's Usagi! Your new vizier!" Okinawa responded eagerly, still hugging her stuffed bear. North Korea examined the stuffed bunny. It was an off-white with a bubblegum colored nose and ears. It had a checkered rose bow tied around its neck.

"What should I ask Usagi?" North Korea was actively trying to play with Okinawa. He didn't get up for nothing, after all.

"Ask him anything!" Okinawa rocked back and forth. North Korea contemptuously stared at the bunny.

"I don't know." North Korea tossed the bunny back and forth between his arms. Okinawa frowned a little bit. She sat and thought for a moment. As the game progressed, Okinawa took control of all the roles, with North Korea sitting nearby with a plastic tiara. Occasionally, Okinawa would ask him questions through the stuffed animals.

"King North! Should we name our army the Windex Warriors?" She asked in a high-pitched voice, while shaking a duck plush.

"Yeah, sure." North responded, not really paying attention to the questions. He was staring out the window, watching the sun come up. Okinawa was always a morning person. It didn't matter whether she woke up to the bugles of the Marine Camps or waking up to traffic and the smell of the ocean, she was happy to wake up at ungodly times.

"Yay!" Okinawa cheered for her stuffed animals. "King North! We need more concrete buildings on island! Typhoon season is getting worse!" She said in a lower voice, shaking her stuffed bear. North Korea nodded,

"Sure." He said, watching the colors of the sky fade into blue. The hues of orange and pink, yellow and indigo rising with the white sun, calling the birds to chirp, and the day to start. North Korea tried to guess how long Okinawa had been playing with him. He glanced at a clock.

7:57 am.

Okinawa was keeping this whole game on for two hours. It was three minutes to eight, meaning the rest of the family would wake up soon. North Korea turned to Okinawa and said in a honey-coated tone,

"Oki, we've been playing for two hours and haven't had breakfast yet. Are you hungry?" Okinawa turned to look her brother dead in the eye. She blinked a couple of times. She stared for a couple of seconds, as if not processing what her brother was saying. Just as North was going to repeat his question, Oki answered,

"Not yet. I still want to play." She looked back at her toys and continued her game. North Korea took off the tiara and leaned against the wall. Like clockwork, as soon as the clock struck eight, Japan and South's alarms went off, and they got up to start their day. South Korea heard Okinawa talking and laughing, and decided to walk over to check on what she was doing.

"King North!" Okinawa exclaimed, "The village is on fire!" North Korea had a blank stare, sucking in a breath. He turned to look at his brother, who was standing at the doorway.

"Put me out of my misery." He horsley whispered. South held a hand to his mouth, snickering. Okinawa, her reflexes as fast a hawk's, turned to see South.

"Hello, South!" She ran over and hugged her brother. "Want to play with me?"

"Not now, Oki. It's time for breakfast." South Korea smiled like an idiot when he looked over at North. "Plus, I think you tortured North enough with your games."

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