Chapter 24

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Allison moves quickly to the woman, the others still too shocked to move and are surprised when the powerful woman embraces the Huntress. 

"What's going on?" Allison asks looking back at the teen frozen in his golden prison.

"I shifted the flow of time around him. He isn't actually trapped, but time is moving much more slowly for him than it is for us. I had hoped to arrive before it became necessary, but it appears that I was correct in fearing that the fight with the Darach would push him too far." Morgaine tells the girl.

"Everybody just stop!" Sheriff Noah Stilinski roars and everyone looks at the man in surprise. "I want answers right now. No more of this mystical bullshit! This is my son!" his voice breaks on the last word and Derek swallows at how close to breaking the man appears.

"Sheriff." Deaton whispers in a warning tone, his voice breaking at he stares at the woman while trying to restrain the bereft man.

Lizzie looks at the Sheriff, but something about her changes. Her eyes become older and an aura of power and strength suddenly appears causing everyone to tense with concern and a bit of fear. 

"That is why I am here. You are his father?" Morgaine says looking at Noah who nods, but she doesn't pause long enough for him to talk. "Who are the rest of you?" she asks before looking at Allison. "Warrior?" she prompts.

Allison quickly introduces everyone and when Morgaine glances at the bodies of the two dead werewolves "Those are the last two of the Alpha Pack...wait wasn't there a third guy?"

"The Darach?" Morgaine asks, looking around the clearing.

"Uh, well..." Scott says sheepishly and looks over at the scorched piece of earth where their English teacher used to be. "What's left is over there. She kind of went poof." 

Morgaine raises a single eyebrow in such a way that the True Alpha squirms under her judging stare. 

"It seems that she burned up from the power Stiles fed her" Derek tries to explain and the woman turns her disarming stare on him.

"You are the Alpha of this land. Derek Hale, I believe she said. By what Right do you claim this territory?" Morgaine asks with a sharp note in her voice.

"My family has been here for generations. This has been our territory for longer than California has been a state." he tells her.

"So Derek Hale" she pauses for a moment "you are the son of Talia Hale?" 

The Alpha nods and Morgaine suddenly looks a lot less stressed.

Turning back towards the Sheriff Morgaine's expression softens. "How much has Stiles told you about the nature of his magic?" she asks him and glances at the group.

They all pause trying to figure out how to answer but Lydia steps up. "He said that he has all six Marks which means he can use all of the different domains of magic." She quickly shares some of the information that she and Stiles had discussed just recently and most of the pack was surprised how much more detail she got than they did when Stiles talked to the whole pack.

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