Chapter 4

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Stiles steps back into the proper form as Stephen allows his instructions to flow into Stiles' mind like he is pouring water into a glass. The last three days have been amazing for Stiles, though he knows that Stephen is getting anxious to return to his own body. Stiles had been absorbing instructions like a sponge and Stephen was constantly amazed at how their situation accelerated the boy's learning.

"You already seem to have years of experience in sorcery" Stephen told him. "I am sorry that I do not possess the skills in the other arts to share with you. I have only been practicing magic for a few years myself and sorcery has been my focus" he admits.

"What did you do before magic?" Stiles asks focusing on the energy fields he was tapping into to levitate the rocks in the back yard and move them around in the pattern he wanted. Elemental magic was awesome and was one of those areas that seemed to hover between the domains of magic. Witches, Druids, and Sorcerers could all use a form of elemental magic in different ways, but Stephen had discovered that Stiles' unique gift meant that he could use all three simultaneously, creating what was essentially a new domain of magic. He hypothesized that Stiles would find that the magic that existed in the boundaries of the domains might be where he was the strongest.

"I was a neurosurgeon" Stephen replies to Stiles amazement. The sorcerer shares with the boy the story of his rise and fall, the car accident that mangled his hands sending him looking anywhere for a cure. Finally at rock bottom and desperate he went to Tibet where he met the Ancient One who taught him Sorcery and how she died in the fight with super bad demon guy and his disciples. He also shared how Mordo was a former ally, if not friend, and now they opposed each other.

"With how often I get hurt, I ought to get you to teach me some medical training" Stiles jokes but is surprised when he feels agreement from his ghostly roommate.

"That is not a bad idea. Since you seem to not only grasp but retain knowledge shared with you this way, I don't see why I couldn't give you some basic understanding and skills. Perhaps tonight while meditating?" he suggests.

Stiles nods happily and pulls on the energy around him causing flames to erupt on each floating stone turning them into hovering candles. This is so cool!

The next morning Stiles wakes early and finds Stephen hovering while reading one of the books Stiles got from Martinique. "This is a very interesting book on witchcraft" he tells the sleepy haired teen. They have worked out a good system over their time together. Stephen stays out of Stiles when he is in the bathroom and most of his sleep time as apparently the dreams of a teen aged boy are not something that Stephen wants to experience again.

"Yeah. The hardest part of teaching yourself anything is finding good sources, ones that are not complete garbage. You gotta go through a lot of trash to find anything worthwhile" Stiles sighs in resignation.

"There is another way" Stephen says with a smile. "Shower and get changed. We are going to San Francisco."

Stiles looks surprised but quickly agrees and grabs his clothes and rushes through getting ready. He is pulling on his shoes when he sees a text alert on his phone from Scott. Hey! Can I borrow your roller skates? Isaac and I are going to the park. Stiles rolls his eyes and can't believe this is his life. Grabbing his skates and pads he takes them downstairs and sets them on the porch by the door. Shooting Scott a text telling him where they are, he jumps in Roscoe, ignoring the comment from Stephen about his baby, and heads for the city by the bay.

"The trick is to know that your magic will draw you to what you are seeking" Stephen told him as he walked around in the used bookstore. "Touch the energy around you and feel for reflections as you concentrate on finding truth." Luckily Stephen's instructions came with enough additional mental information that Stiles was easily able understand what he was being told. He visualized sending out his magic much like a radar or sonar system and those books that were real and useful 'pinged' on his 'magic radar' and he was able to grab all three of the useful books in the store with very little effort or time spent searching.

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