Chapter 9

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Stiles pulls his jeep into the spot in front of the school and grabs his bag, ready for the first day of junior year. Scott had told him not to pick him up as he had a surprise and he smiled when he saw the crooked jawed teen pull up on the used motor bike. 

"Your mom let you get it?" Stiles asks as Scott takes off his helmet.

"Yeah!" the shaggy haired teen said with a huge smile. "I got it yesterday after saving up all summer and mom finally agreeing. Isn't it awesome?" he asks his friend smiling down at the bike.

"It's amazing" Stiles assures him without a tremor in his voice and luckily Scott is too enamored with the bike to listen to Stiles heart.

"And news on the Allison front?" Stiles asks as they walk into the school heading for the lockers.

"It was great. She said she learned a lot this summer from her family in France and is willing to give us a try" his smile was huge. "We are going to go slow, start with friends and maybe a date or two, but she smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek" the teen gushed and Stiles tried to avoid sighing.

"Did you hear they replaced Mr. Horton?" Lydia asks from behind them causing Stiles to spin around and see the petite redhead standing there looking fabulous as usual.

"Yeah" Stiles nods with a happy smile "they hired a woman, Ms. Blake, to replace him. I have her for AP English 3rd period."

Lydia narrows her eyes a bit before nodding. "Me too" she says and Stiles sighs as he watches her turn to smile at Jackson who is coming down the hall with Danny. Stiles watched Lydia's love for the douche save him from being a Kanima so he knew that they were 'destined to be' or something, but it still stuck a little when he thought about it. He nodded at Danny as the three joined up and headed out and he wondered how long it would take him to be told about everything. As Jackson's best friend and Lydia's friend by association, Danny would probably figure it out if they don't tell him.

Stiles looks over for Scott but he is already gone and when Stiles looks around he sees his friend already talking to Allison and figures that he is as good as gone. "Ugh, that again?" Stiles turns and sees Erica staring at Scott and Allison standing by Allison's locker.

"Did you ever doubt it?" Stiles snorted. "Romeo and Juliet got nothing on those two" he snarks and smiles at Erica's chuckle.

"You have history first period?" she asks cautiously and when Stiles nods she smiles her now usual grin "Good. Then you can sit with me" she says grabbing his arm.

"You aren't going to get in trouble with Derek for talking to me?" even to him his voice sounds a bit whiney but it slips out.

Erica doesn't look at him but her grip tightens. "He has lightened up you know" she whispers in a conspiratorial voice and she watches as he gives her a patented 'you've got to be kidding me' look that shows he doesn't believe her for a second.

"Okay, he hasn't but he'll get over it" she finally confesses and the both laugh honestly for probably the first time since the Argent basement. They have an unstated agreement where no one talks about their shared abuse at Gerard's hand. God knows what Derek would do if he found out that Stiles had been injured...again. They sit down and Stiles sighs as he realizes that instead of studying the history of magic or something as interesting, he is stuck here in BHHS learning this boring stuff. He sighs and opens his notebook and tries to focus.

As he walks in to English class just ahead of Lydia, Stiles nearly stumbles from the wave of nausea that hits him like a ton of bricks. He stops and looks around and sees Matt talking to Ms. Blake at her desk. He takes a deep breath just as Lydia comes up behind him "Any day" she says curtly, but with significantly less real animosity than she would have last year. He nods and grabs and seat trying to regain control of his stomach.

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