I shake my head at him. "Goodbye, boys." I wave as I begin lifting my foot off the brake. They both wave back at me until I look away and towards the road while I pull off the curb.


The little bell above the door almost makes me jump. My nerves skyrocket as I slowly scan the room, and I take a deep breath to try to calm them. It doesn't help that I find Wyatt immediately—almost effortlessly. He sits quietly in a small booth in the corner.

I was worried about showing up before him. I forgot he's always right on time, punctual as ever.

He doesn't seem bothered by the hum of conversations around him, busy watching the entrance for me. And once my eyes meet him, recognition washes over his face. It only takes him half a second which shouldn't be surprising to me, but it kind of is. It's been a while since we've seen each other, and I know I've changed a little.

I hesitate for an extra moment before I take another deep breath and step further inside, making my way too him without ever breaking eye contact. He's quick to straighten up then blinks and climbs out of the booth when he seems to remind himself to greet me. A faint smile starts playing at his lips while he watches me, and I realize the years are melting away like that. In this moment I'm reminded of the shared history that's laid dormant between us—just waiting to be picked back up again.

"Kiara," His gentle voice greets me, resonating with familiarity. "Right on time, as always." He adds, teasing me subtly.

I laugh at that. "Hi," I whisper as I step closer. His arms are already opening, and I can't help but walk into them. I shut my eyes the moment my temple meets his shoulder, allowing myself to melt in the familiar scent and warmth.

We stand here for a little longer than we need to. Ultimately, we both pull away reluctantly only to stare for a few more seconds before he clears his throat abruptly. "S-Should we sit?" He stammers. He's always been the worst at breaking the awkward silences.

I smile fondly. "Yeah," I'm already turning away to slide into one side of the booth. He quickly moves over to the other side. We go quiet again, but only for a moment before I take pity on him. He's the one who broke the silence first, it's my turn now. "How was the drive?" I ask curiously.

"Uh—Good. Yeah." He smiles a little and nods. "I was, um...mostly just excited to see you." He sheepishly admits with a gentle shrug.

My smile turns sheepish too, and I have to suppress my schoolgirl giggle that'll end in a snort embarrassingly. "I've been excited to see you too." I manage to return with only a hint of flattery in my voice. "It's been a long time." I add with a slow nod.

He inhales deeply as he nods back at me. "Yeah..." He slowly confirms. "Yeah, it has." He mumbles. "Cameron's almost eight now, isn't he?"

"Yeah." I laugh to myself.

He laughs too. "I can only imagine how much he's grown." He shakes his head softly as he looks down at the table. "How much has changed." He adds on a mumble.

"A lot." I acknowledge. "Um...His dad is actually...you know. Around."

His brows raise at that and his eyes fly back to mine. He stares for a moment. "Really." I can't tell if it's a question or not.

A Missed OpportunityWhere stories live. Discover now