dont drown

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Hello,sorry this chapter took me so long. I anciently joined the mafia for a few months lol. It was fun.
Except for when I got shot. That was not fun.
But anyway enjoy the chapter, I wrote this from my hospital bed
Also be happy to know the first smut chapter is after this one, so yay!

“What The Hell Are You Doing!?” it was Akashi
The holy knights all froze in horror.
All gutted with embarrassment, their king had seen them covered head to toe in mud.
They were about to swim back across the river when kuroko interrupted.
“Their busy, come back some other time,” Kuroko stated, standing up
Akashi was furious, he stormed through the tree line and headed straight for kuroko.
Akashi stood a few feet away from kuroko, before his temper took over, Akashi grabbed kuroko’s shirt collar, and began to shout at him.
“Who the hell do you think you are!?”
Kagami and Himuro were on their feet in a matter of seconds. Kagami had had his hand placed on the sword at his hip, ready to attack the second kuroko gave the word.
Himuro was the same.
The holy knights didn’t need to be geniuses to figure out where this situation was heading.
Akashi locked eyes with kuroko.
Neither were saying anything.
Neither were blinking, as if this staring contest could determine a winner between the two.
Kuroko hardened his gaze at the emperor, a scowl appearing on his face.
Akashi hadn’t expected anything less, only someone of such low blood would have the audacity to scowl at an emperor.
“Lower your head-”

Before Akashi got the chance to order anyone, kuroko shoved him backwards straight into the river. The emperor was already underwater before he knew what hit him

Everyone was frozen stiff. They just stared at kuroko in shock.

Akashi was the most shocked of all, never in his life had he met someone with the stupidity to shove him. Him: Akashi Seijuro. The Emperor of Rakuzan.
Akashi pulled himself up the bank and lay in the spot he had just been pushed from, he went to look at the tealnette only to find an empty space.
The emperor was about to search for the other when he felt a foot on his back, his head whipped around, mismatched eyes meeting teal ones.

It was too late, Akashi was already falling.
He was in the water again, Akashi landed straight on his face this time, he pulled himself to his feet face covered in mud.
Kuroko stood on the bank looking down at Akashi.
“How dare you come here, to my home. Insult me, break into my house and order me around. Who do you think you are!?” Kuroko berated the other.
The Holy knights still standing on the other side of the river suddenly rushed into the water.
Swimming till their feet found ground on the other side; they gathered around Akashi.
“Your Highness!” Midorima pulled Akashi to his feet.
Akashi shoved him back.
The Emperor hung his head low. Midorima let Akashi go, seeing he was steady on his feet, all of them still standing in the flowing river.
“As The Emperor of Rakuzan I Command you-” Akashi looked at the holy knights “- To SEIZE Him!” The Emperor yelled, whipping his head around and pointing at Kuroko.
For the First time in their lives the holy knights didn’t know what to do.
Kagami’s soul left his body.
‘What about the treaty!?’
‘There’s going to another war!’
‘How could I let this happen?’
While Kagami was having a minor freak out, Himuro was able to keep his cool; but ready to defend his boss if needed.
Kuroko and Akashi continued to Glare at each other again.
The tealnette’s calm persona slipping, something about the Emperor made him pissed, Kuroko couldn’t put an honest reason behind it, it was just how he felt. Maybe it started when he had witnessed the crimson haired about to cut a guy's head off.
Akashi looked at the holy knights, furious that they weren’t moving.
The Emperor crawled back up the bank, the holy knights followed. Akashi stood facing kuroko, while the holy knights made their way over to Kagami and Himuro.
Akashi looked around; at the armour scattered on the ground, left by the holy knights. Next to Aomine’s armour was his sword.
The Emperor almost ran to grab it, he drew the sword out of its case.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2023 ⏰

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