The Journey

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3rd POV

Akashi was sleeping soundly when he was forcefully woken up.

Midorima had been tasked with waking up the young king.

It was not an easy job but only the royal knights could do it, because they would not be sent to death unlike the past maids or buttlers which was beheaded after trying to wake him.

"Your majesty please wake up, not that I care or anything but in sure the kingdom of Seirin will find it quite rude, and disrespectful"

Midorima stated

Akashi eyes jolted open at the sentence, he might not want to go but he would not be considered arrogant if he turned up late.

"Leave me shintaro"

"Of course your majesty"

Midorima headed for the door and left once out of the room he headed for the knights quarters, waiting inside where the rest of the royal guard.

"Welcome back Midorimacchi!"

Kise halve yelled

Midorima just sighed

"So how'd it go"

A lazy aomine asked

"Just fine "
Midorima answered bluntly.

Aomine roled his eyes .

"Hey aominecchi wanna go train with me??"
Kise asked enthusiastically

"We have to head for Seirin in like 30 minutes, why the hell would I do that when no one can beat me,
the only one who can beat me is me"

said Aomine who went back to lie back on his bed.

Kise started crying crocodile tears dramatically.

"What about you murasakibaracchi?"

Kise asked hopeful.

"Huh sounds boring. No thanks kise-chin"
The board giant named murasakibara answered.

Midorima could only sigh at the conversations infront of him.

The door was abruptly opened and a guard enter.

"His majesty has requested that you all be ready to head to the Seirin now"
And with that the guard exited.

Midorima, murasakibara, aomine and kise sat in silence for about 20 seconds before they changed into their armor and collected everything they would need for the trip.

The 4 knights headed for the courtyard where they saw their king waiting impatiently, for his servants to finish packing his carriage.

The carriage was a dark brown colour and was to be pulled with 2 strong horses.

The carriage was a dark brown colour  and was to be pulled with 2 strong horses

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And the horses.

After about 10 minutes of the servants going back and fourth the carriage and the knights were ready to depart

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After about 10 minutes of the servants going back and fourth the carriage and the knights were ready to depart.

Akashi was frustrated and eager to leave and get this over and done with.

The carriage set off with Akashi obviously inside while the rest of the staff or the knights either walked or rode horses.

But unfortunately the only ones who where riding, were the holy knights( Midorima Murasakibara Kise Aomine) and the cook whose name is satsuki momoi.

She was carrying all the food supplies and cooking tools with her.

Akashi POV

I sat board in my carriage I was back to thinking about the empty feeling I had.

That feeling had gorn away once, my useless fiancé chihiro was the first person who I ever loved but unfortunately once I got a glimpse of his true colours, a hateful and selfish man, he was probably more selfish then even I.

He is such a pain, and makes everything a fight

He had been throwing around his power has my husband he treated everyone under him like they were worthless and didn't mean anything to anyone.

It just so happened that I know a great potions man, so if he ever really does something to piss me off more than usual, I'll just kill him

It will honestly be amusing to see him scream in pain and hold his throat a squirm around on the ground until the foam coming from his mouth stopped and then he's was dead.

Heh. It makes me laugh just thinking about it.


I had been so lost in thought that I hadn't relized we where at the Seirin boarder.

I gestured for a servant to open the door and 1 did. I dismounted from the carriage.

"Your majesty"

Midorima stated

I gave him an annoyed look.

He avoided eye contact and dismounted his horse.

We had come to a stop at the gates of Seirin

We had come to a stop at the gates of Seirin

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(This but like 10x bigger)


More updates soon hope you enjoyed 😉 ☺ 😊

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