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Kagami POV

'Wtf is goin' on '

They were all stoick and arrogant until 20 seconds ago.

And now they're acting like babbling bubbling baboons

Is this the true power of king Akashi!


"What the hell are you doing stupid Bakagmi"

"What the hell Ahomine, what'd you do that for!"

"Get moving kagami, before akashi kicks our asses"

"Tch, whatever"

Despite Kagami's nonchalant attitude, he was shaking in his boots.

"So your majesty what where you thinking for food?" Midorima asked cautiously.

Knowing full well what could happen at even the slightest of mistakes. Death?. No something much worse.

Akashi POV


Why is everyone so useless

It's not that dam hard to decide on food, must I do everthing for these imbacels.


Midorima froze.

Why, I'm not that scary an I?

Even my top knights are scard of me, the same knights that have conquered countless other kingdoms and fought army's by themselves and won.

Is there really no one in this kingdom who is not scared of me.

It's almost painful, the emptiness you feel form being alone all the time.

Even that bastard fiancé of mine Chihiro Mayuzumi, the only reason that he's my fiancé is because he's somewhat attractive and so obedient that its almost creepy, as much as I like watching people kneel before me cowering in fear, the way he acted every time around me was just so annoying like a little rat begging for food, and sure I was the one who made him my fiancé but its too late to cancel the wedding now, after I finish signing the treaty, I shall head home and be unfortunately married to that weasel.

But back to the problem at hand. food.


"yes, your highness"

"head to the nearest village, we shall eat and spend the night there, heh I mean if any village in Seirin has accommodations like that"

I didn't need to say that last part but why not, and I said it loud enough so that redheaded block head could hear me, haha I could hear his pathetic blood boil from here.

"Of course your majesty" Midorima answered hastily


"HEY, your royal bitchyness" kagami shouted not wanted to let that comment go un-answered, and he had the perfect way to prove him wrong and promote his own hometown, because he knew king Akashi was a big spender.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU CALL OUR KING" Aomine roared angrily trying his best to kick kagami off his horse in the process.

"OI, I was just trying to ask his HIGHNESS, if he would like to eat and stay at a village not to far from here, I know the area well and since the 'GREAT' knights of Rakuzan DON'T, I thought I'd give some advice" kagami cockily stated.

"Daiki, Let him speak he is unfortunately correct, we do not know this area, so sir Kagami or whatever your name is, take us to the village you speak of" Akashi responded smugly

Kagami POV

Geez this asshole, who the hell does he think he is, well a king obviously but that's besides the point! I know just where to take him, and you know maybe he'll spend so much he'll go broke HAH wouldn't that be fun.

"Please the your majesty please allow me to escort Rakuzan to the town I speak of" I swiftly answered not wanting to stir up anymore drama or future problems for myself, not that I couldn't handle them if that did happen. but lets just avoid any problems with the king and Rakuzan until after this treaty is signed.

"Lead the Way, Knight" The king basically commanded me to do

"Yes then please, all of you follow me to the village of Koto!"

I can't wait to go to my home town and maybe I'll see 'him' there if I'm lucky, he is one busy son of a bitch, I know that better than anyone.

See you soon



FINALY FINISHED this chapter sorry for the slow updates.

school has been hell with naplan and assignments, though I did get covid recently which has given me plenty of time complete this chapter

stay turned for more chapters

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BYYYEEEE have a lovely day or night

stay well and stay up readying fanfics to late guys.


A commoner and a King  // Akakuro Where stories live. Discover now