Runaway Horse

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Alright, let's jump straight in!


A few minutes earlier.

Kuroko POV

"See, it's not that hard to ride Takao-kun"

"HA, Easy for you to say Kuroko, youve been doing this for years!"

"Whole life actually"

'Yes, Because that's what's important here'

an upset Takao complained

'I should probably stop teasing Takao, I dont know how much more he can take.'

'He can be very weak-minded sometimes.'


As kuroko rode steadily down the road with a certain grace about him, Takao was in fear for his life, he was not used to riding such big horses, sure he had ridden more miniature ponies but nothing like this.

And It didnt help that another massive brown horse was running full speed at them.

Takao paused for a second and stared.

A massive brown horse was running full speed towards him.

A wave of panic and worry washed over Takao

This horse had no intention of stopping it was going to run straight into him, Takao thought to himself

Kuroko will know how to stop this right?

A hopeful Takao looked over to kuroko.

Only to be met with the same deadpan expression kuroko always wears.

Takaos mouth fell wide open, he couldnt find the right words to say.

Luckily he didnt have to.

The stampeding horse that was now right in front of Takao.

Which was enough to get kuroko to act.

Takao squeezed his eyes shut, expecting to feel the full force of a wild horse, however luckily for Takao that pain would never come.

Takao shot his eyes open when he didnt feel the impact.

The horse that was running toward them had stopped. And was now circling kuroko, not in a scary way, but the way a child orbits their parent.

Kuroko calmly reached into his saddle bag, pulled out a long piece of rope, and began to tie it around the newly caught horse, making a kind of makeshift headstall.

Takaos eyes almost fell out of his head. How the hell could kuroko just up and catch a manic horse, that was out of fricken control 10 damn seconds ago, Takao was starting to think he should never get on Kuroko's bad side.

Kuroko POV

The runaway horse caught me off guard sure.

Not that I would let it show.

However something more interesting caught my attention, this horse had a Rakuzan royal family crest branded onto its side.

What was a horse like this doing here? and more importantly where the hell is its owner?

What kind of irresponsible fool lets a horse like this run wild? What if it hurt someone?

'Tch I dont have the time to deal with this today, I have a million jobs to do as is, and I dont need to be running around after some dumb idiot royal who doesnt even know how to take care of an animal properly.'

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