Chapter 32 - Two Magical flowers

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Riddhima couldn't believe Anjali's words. She looked at Anjali's face as tears flowed from her eyes. Riddhima didn't understand why Anjali was crying terribly.

"We murdered him. My hands murdered my Vihaan." Anjali sobbed, landing on her knees on the ground.

"How?" Riddhima was astonished, going to her knees.

"I worked for Gayathri Raisinghania for money. She gave money to seduce Vihaan. I started my journey with him as fake dating and then fake love with him. But he was interested in me. Shankar used to tease him. But he loved me madly. Soon, I had feelings for him." Anjali paused, wiping her tears with her palm.

Riddhima was stunned to know that Gayathri was involved in it. She rubbed Anjali's back to soothe her.

"Riddhima, you don't know how much pain Vihaan experienced in his life. His parents were not living together. He had a brain tumor, but he managed to struggle and come out of the disease. He is a fighter." Anjali mumbled.

"But why did Gayathri ask you to seduce her grandson?" Riddhima puzzled.

"I don't know anything about that. She commanded me, and I did as per her orders for money." Anjali murmured.

Riddhima said nothing. She wanted to ask Anjali so many questions. But she didn't know if Anjali's words were true or not.

"Gayathri, along with a bizarre woman, join hands together to set your parents' house on fire. I was aware of Gayathri's plan. I brought Vihaan outside of the house to the garden area." Anjali voiced out.

"Without any doubt about you, Vihaan agreed to come with you to the garden area at night." Riddhima interrogated her, crossing her arms around her chest.

"Yes, we used to do romance in the garden area. So, he agreed to come to the garden area. In front of his eyes, your house was set on fire. He decided to rescue them by going inside the fire. But I didn't allow him. That time..." Anjali paused as Riddhima noticed dread was completely visible in Anjali's eyes.

"Are you thinking that I killed your parents and brothers in the fire accident?" Anjali asked in fear.

"No, now I understand clearly that you are just a pawn in Gayathri's game. You wanted to save your love, so you carefully pulled Vihaan out of the house using your seducing trick." Riddhima replied as Anjali felt ashamed.

"I know I am bad. But at that moment, all I wanted was to save Vihaan from danger. He tried to save your parents and brothers. Before that could happen, Gayathri came from behind and stabbed him with a knife in his back area." Anjali let out a loud sob while Riddhima's eyes widened.

"Do you know? He asked me to escape from that place. So Gayathri won't hurt me. But from Gayathri's devilish smile, he came to know that I was also involved with Gayathri. His eyes carried more pain when he knew that I betrayed him in our relationship." Anjali's face became sad. "Gayathri again took another knife. She was stubborn enough to stab the knife in his chest. But Vihaan's father and mother appeared as Gayathri escaped from that place to save herself." Anjali cried.

"The police arrested me. But Shankar saved my reputation," Anjali muttered.

"How could I believe everything you said?" Riddhima interrogated.

"Ask Shankar, or maybe Vihaan's parents." Anjali confidently whispered.

Riddhima returned to the car. She saw Aryan and Sia busy on their phones. She didn't know whom to believe or tell about this matter. She was baffled, contemplating why Shankar hid the matter.

When she returned to VR Mansion, The entire staff in the mansion was working at full speed for the sangeet ceremony for the evening. Ishani tugged Riddhima into her room. Riddhima was vexed to see the make-up artist and dress designer waiting for her.

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