Chapter 8 - Where are the Diamonds?

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When she came inside the house, She had a big smile on her face. She felt proud of herself because even Mr. Firestorm didn't know the answer. Her aunt as usual scolded her for laughing like mad in the center of the hall.

She had dinner alone, She was missing Ahana badly. After completing her dinner, She quickly narrated the entire thing that happened today to her uncle on the phone.

"Why is he doing gold and diamond type of illegal activities? This is against mafia rule." commented Riddhima.

"No, Riddhima. You are wrong. Vansh belongs to the fire clan. But he can do illegal business on both guns, gold, and diamond. He has that power because Ajay is from the fire clan and Uma is from the earth clan. So Vihaan and Vansh, both have the power to do the illegal business of fire and earth clan." explained Shankar.

"Uncle, He also told about his marriage with Ragini is a business deal by his grandmother." shared Riddhima while thinking about everything that happened today.

"Uncle, Now I understood. His grandmother is forcing him to marry a space clan girl. So her future generation that is Raisinghania heir's will do illegal business with guns, natural resources, drugs, and alcohol. What a cunning lady!" predicted Riddhima by acknowledging Vansh's situation.

"Uncle, I have a doubt. Uma's aunt's family member didn't come to save her, why?" asked Riddhima curiously.

"Riddhima, I can't understand your question." Stated confused Shankar.

"Uncle, Why didn't earth clan people come to rescue aunt from Raisingania's?" questioned Riddhima.

"Riddhima, really you don't know what happened in Ajay and Uma's life?" interrogated Shankar.

"Nope. When I was in childhood, there used to talk with me nicely. That's it. I don't know about their life history. I thought they had only two children, one was Sia and another was Vihaan. But after meeting then in VR mansion prison, I came to know they had four children." voiced Riddhima.

"Riddhima, Coming to Uma's life, that's the biggest mafia clan fight. It is a revenge story." Started Shankar.

"Uncle, stop it. I am not interested in listening to these stories. If earth clan can't save them, I will save them." Replied Riddhima quickly.

Yes, she was fed up with this revenge story. She didn't know everything about the mafia, but few things she know when her grandpa used to tell her. She couldn't even forget the days she used to recite the rules of the mafia-like a poem in her childhood. Now, she even hates that rules.

"Riddhima, Watch every activity carefully. We might get any chance to get the couple out of the mansion. Until then try to get Vansh's trust completely. I forget to tell you something, come to Bangalore soon, there is a surprise for you." uttered Shankar by disconnecting his phone call.


After finishing her classes the following morning, Riddhima visited the gift shop. She indicated an item and requested that the store owner bundle it. She spent fifty rupees on the thing she bought. The item was kept safely in her bag.

She reached the office and noticed Vansh was busy in the meeting. She started to read the files and mail which are important for tomorrow's meeting.

Vansh entered the cabin with his two bodyguards. Angre and Reyansh helped Riddhima in arranging the files. It was break time, the trio was asked to go for the break to have some coffee by Vansh.

But Riddhima hesitantly was standing near Vansh's table. Angre and Reyansh halted by seeing her behavior. Vansh noticed still the trio standing in front of him.

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