Chapter 29 - Finding Love

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"Riddhima, Vansh is the man of his word. Vansh, you have completed your oath by taking Kabir's life with your own hands." An elderly male voice persisted which made Vansh and Riddhima turn their head.

The elderly male voice belongs to Tagore Sharma. Tagore Sharma arrived at the hospital with Kabir's mother. Riddhima couldn't understand Tagore Sharma but Vansh predicted it.

"My dear girl baby, Your Great grandfather is trying to save your father from me. But my oath is still incomplete." Vansh mocked giving the baby to Kabir's mother.

Kabir's family was cherishing the moment with the baby but Kabir was missing the happiest moment.

A few hours later, the baby was sleeping in Vansh's arms. Kabir's family members were taking care of Ahana. Riddhima was sitting beside Vansh and chatting with Angre and Reyansh.

"Tell me a dress which no one can wear it?" Riddhima queried them.

Angre and Reyansh were thinking seriously, Vansh couldn't take his eyes off the baby but was listening to Riddhima's question.

"Don't think so much. It is just a simple answer." Riddhima stated.

"Baby's dress!" Angre told.

"But babies can wear it," Riddhima announced.

"I found it! Address!" Reyansh told in excitement.

"Yes, It is correct." Riddhima and Reyansh chuckled out loud.

Angre glared at Riddhima, The girl baby in Vansh's arms started to wriggle hearing the sound.

"Riddhima, Quit your lame joke. Even Kabir and Ahana's baby didn't like your lame joke." Vansh teased her.

Riddhima made a fake pout towards Vansh. Mystica arrived at the hospital. Vansh handed the baby to Riddhima and went a little far away towards Mystica from the labor ward. He was busy speaking with Mystica, Reyansh, and Angre.

"Thanks for saving the child and mom." Tagore Sharma thanked Riddhima for coming out of the labor ward.

"You need to thank, Mr. Firestorm. Not me. " Riddhima confessed adoring Vansh.

"So you are in love." Tagore Sharma winked at her, she didn't reply to his teasing.

"I need some information from you." Riddhima requested him, handing over the baby to Kabir's mother.

"Only one question." Tagore agreed to tell her with a condition.

"Did Vihaan die in the fire accident with my parents?" Riddhima asked him.

"No, he didn't die in the fire accident." Tagore Sharma confessed.

"Everyone is confusing me. Vihaan had a brain tumor but he didn't die because of brain tumor. He was staying inside my house when a fire accident took place but nothing happened to him. What would have happened to him?" Riddhima groaned.

"Instead of focusing on Vihaan, You should focus on dormant Niya. She is more dangerous. After Ragini's death, Her anger must have increased." Kabir's mother warned her.

"Indeed, She is correct." Tagore Sharma agreed and observed Vansh approaching with his crew.

"Meet the new earth clan leader, Ms. Mystica Dixit," Vansh announced to Tagore Sharma.

"Congrats! Hope you work for the growth of your clan." Tagore stated with a smile.

"Where is Kabir?" Mystica asked as everyone went into silence.

"He is living in the underworld due to some mafia business. He ignored to meet his girl baby as his illegal work was more important." Riddhima confessed with hatred, not towards Kabir alone but to the entire mafia world.

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